I’d love to hear you unpack this a bit, so we can see what kinds of meat we might want to pack onto them bones!
The one piece we might want to be careful about, though, is that “waking up” is technically not a “line” that moves through different altitudes, but rather a sequence of states that can be accessed from any altitude. Adding to the complexity, we can also talk about a “spiritual line” that does move through these vertical altitudes (e.g. James Fowler’s Stages of Faith), but this does not necessarily predict what sorts of horizontal states one might experience from each of those stages.
So, in short:
1. Growing up: general growth of the self-system through vertical structure-stages of unfolding
2. Waking up: training states of consciousness through horizontal state-stages of awakening, producing experiences which are then interpreted according to our current position in the growing up/opening up process.
3. Opening up: similar to growing up, but assessing and working with each individual line of development (interpersonal, aesthetic, emotional, etc.)
4. Cleaning up: Reintegrating dissociated pieces of ourselves, which can occur either in the growing up or waking up process.
5. Showing up: Taking all of this predominantly upper-left quadrant work, and allowing it to flood into the other quadrants of our being (e.g. our behaviors, our relationships, our career, etc.)
In terms of both “peacemaking” and “sensemaking”, I can see how all five of these would directly apply. For example, “peace” (which I am enacting here as “harmony or integration of self and other”) can be defined differently from ego-centric, ethnocentric, and worldcentric stages, which determines our overall circle of care. Meanwhile, our capacity for inner peace and equanimity is often associated with increasing familiarity of gross, subtle, causal, witnessing, and nondual states. And cleaning up clearly has an important role here, as we learn to reintegrate the various inner conflicts and hostilities that we may be projecting onto others, which may be making genuine “peace” that much more difficult to achieve. Cleaning up is something like peacemaking with our own self-system.
Similarly, “sensemaking” is going to depend not only on our cognitive capacities (we can only make sense of the phenomena we are actually capable of perceiving/cognizing, which means a 2p perspective can never make adequate sense of systems that can only be cognized at 4p, which is a huge issue underlying our culture wars), but also any number of other “opening up” lines of intelligence — our moral intelligence, our aesthetic intelligence, our spiritual intelligence, etc. And of course “cleaning up” also becomes critical in our sensemaking, or else we risk following our own confirmation biases further down the rabbit hole, resulting in broken sense-making and world-modeling.
Sorta related to this, I’ve been working for the last couple weeks on a new approach that tries to use polarity work to scaffold growing up, cleaning up, and showing up processes. What I’m doing is creating a “giga-glossary” of critical polarities in each quadrant, at every stage of development. So here are three critical polarities in the UL of the red stage, three critical polarities in the LL of the red stage, etc. The idea being, each of these polarities comes to the forefront at particular stages, and once they do, they remain in the self-system. And if any of these polarities remain unintegrated for us, chances are it is producing some sort of shadow material, which can hopefully be re-integrated simply by contemplating and reintegrating the core polarity itself. Still a work in progress, but I’ve compiled over 120 polarities so far, and happy to talk more about it if anyone is interested!