Maybe We Should Split-Up Into Teams; Domestic & International

In order to have a shot at an Integral Earth, each country would have to be Integral at least in it’s government and the 10% or so of the population (Greens+). Given that the work is massive, we should consider splitting up into domestic and international teams. Anyone who is born into their home country and/or has an interest in a country should perhaps join that group. I’m working on Sri Lanka but we could have domestic state teams for the US such as California etc…

What does everyone think?

Yeah what you’re talking about seems a bit similar to my work, which involves organizing groups at the community level based on functional areas that are needed and our plan involves using local integral groups as incubators for these more specific groups. Here is the link to that: As far as local and regional integral groups go, I understand that there is a lot of this underway already. This is not about splitting into teams, but more about forming teams wherever you are. There can also be larger groups at the national and continental levels. This is in part what the ICON and IEC have been doing. I’m not aware of an Integral Asia conference. If it doesn’t yet exist, then it should! Also there are several platforms in which to connect to people in your city or your country. We don’t yet have a really good organizing platform for integral. I have been looking into this, but the overall question of how to organize and how to bring integral ideas to the community level is really complex. You might also take a look at Integral City which is more city-based and doesn’t seem to get much into state or national level organization, but what they are doing is related as well. Recently, I have been focused on the interaction patterns between more specifically-focused groups (news and information evaluation, inner development, civic engagement, spirituality, arts and culture, entrepreneurship, bio-regeneration, education, etc.) within the same geographic region. I’m working on this for my master’s degree thesis.
This is sort of related to this other thread:
How to establish and grow local and regional meta-hubs

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Cool Brandon, I’ll check it out when I get home

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That is a good idea, Namal. If I may suggest one thing. What I have noticed about the Integral movement is the tendency towards remaining in what I would call “Academic Oriented Groups” in which there tends to be very smart, educated people discussing Integral ideas with others at the level of “Green” yet I see very few examples of those people going out on the front lines of existence and having face to face, body to body interactions with fellow humans that are operating at other levels such as Red or Amber although there are examples of some Integral thinkers attempting to educate “Orange” thinkers at the corporate level. As most of us understand the majority of our fellow humans on planet earth are interpreting their existence at earlier stages than orange and it seems to me that it would serve the evolution of human development to continue to interact with people of all levels of growth and not allow ourselves to get too comfortable with a “Tribal version” of Integral thinking. I admit that I’ve had some very uncomfortable and even dangerous interactions over the last 25 years or so in my efforts of attempting to interact with people with worldviews operating at these earlier stages but I continue to do my best. Any thoughts or ideas on that would be appreciated.



Hi Brandon, I started checking out IntegralCity and it looks pretty cool! We should put this into a process for launching which brought to mind that we should also have a community to share all the best resources practices like yours either here or maybe like a Nuclino page which I’m working on


Hi Brian,

I should have been a little more clear as you may have misunderstood. What I meant was organizing into such domestic (US) and international teams in order to handle the (Turquoise/Indigo level?) planetwide outreach and project efforts. As the IAM is executing on its plan, I personally would like to establish a satellite version in Sri Lanka under the “Samagi SL” theme.

Although on this specific point yes you’re quite right, I too have had a lot of difficulty trying to manage relationships with my mother and other members of the two physical families (dads side and mothers side) while trying to reconcile my own growth and shadows. In my experimental experience going on the integral spiritually line versus the pure psychological/developmental curiosity seemed to work, at least in bringing awareness.

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Hi Namal,

One question or curiosity that I have refers to something I heard Ken say years ago which was something like “let red be red, green be green, etc.” I guess I’m still trying to figure out if it’s possible to have some type of continuity within our communities with people and groups whose worldviews are at different levels of development? It seems like a tall order and sometimes impossible but giving up on attempting to reach out to others at different levels doesn’t seem like a good idea either. I wish there was a clear answer.


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Yes, this can be very challenging but I believe possible by adjusting the different types of boundaries; physical, emotional, mental etc and figuring out what and what not to talk about or divulge with the different stage individuals and groups (defense intelligence I believe?) For example with shadow red it’s best to not be emotional and just be what’s called grey rock as being emotional is like bleeding next to a shark. Teachers such as Dr Ramani taught me a lot of about people at that stage and how to deal with them before I realized something there were something missing (my own Green and ADHD hyperfocus on them combo and how that played in) which led me to Integral.

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Interestingly I’ve had situations in public places that I regularly patronized that I’d had many conversations with different people over time and this included people from Red to Green and once in awhile someone that seemed open to Integral ideas. Then I had a few uncomfortable situations in which some of those people were all there at the same time and the people coming from Red and Amber got really uncomfortable with me after hearing me talk with people at Green. I like your example of Red shadow that makes a lot of sense to me.

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Yes that makes sense. As I understand it now, Amber doesn’t like that their consciousness is no longer the dominant one as when we started to move to Orange collectively. In terms of what’s commonly called narcissists, there seems to be a shadow red version that is somewhat aware of what they’re doing or at least capable of it (which can include us if we temporarily experience involution) and a Beige version, that has no emotional or moral line development at all and falls under the psychopathy shadow. These behaviors can be gaslighting, manipulation, triangulation and so on. Courage can help you go from shadow red to healthy red by confronting your anxiety/behavior and wondering if there’s a better way or something you’re missing.

Hi Brian,

I am new to this site and I get the same feeling. There is a lot of conversations but I see little examples of work with “lower level” structures. I am gearing up to work in the Norfolk Public school system being an Algebra advisor. A lot of the kids are at the Red level which could be normal but many/most? of them are going to stay there. I haven’t seen a thread yet addressing these kind of issues in a nuts and bolts fashion.

Since I moved down here about four years ago, I have been working with the underserved population. I only now getting my feet on the ground and comfortable but it is still messy. Namal and I have been tentatively talking about putting together a monthly meeting, perhaps a discussion group or book group.

Scott Berger

Maybe you could contact Namal if you are interested because it seems you guys have already been working on some ideas together.