Got it! As you were posting, I was listening to, What We’ve Learned: 2024 Reflections and Looking Ahead to 2025, a dialogue between Integral’s Rob Smith and Josh Leonard.
Their level of exchange rather confirms my suspicion that they’re pretty convinced they’re on the cutting edge, while somehow troubled, sensing they’re stuck in their heads and what’s needed comes through the heart … which is happening anyway, inexorably, with or without Integral, or really, any other organized push for that matter.
And along those lines, I have to think you’re aware of how unlikely your 5D post will get many bites on this site (I have an image of a Jehovah’s Witness camping out in front of a Seventh Day Adventist church 
10 days ago, I posted my, “Is there a grownup in the house?” thread, didn’t get much response, which is no surprise, but it did get me to wondering what the Integral “talking heads” were sounding like these days, so I listened to that above-mentioned dialogue with Rob and Josh.
Corey, the “man behind the curtain” used to weigh-in in this community forum, but perhaps he’s come to realize how unwieldy and weird this hodge-podge of contributors has become, and has decided to ascend to the “head-in-the-clouds theorizing” that Rob Smith denies.
Gets me to thinking about the vast disconnect between the Integral “talking heads” and what gets posted on this community venue.
If I had my druthers, I’d like to see the entirety of the Integral cadre fold up their tents and just go out into the real world, work and play, find their “heart chakras,” and jettison any sense of superiority…
… or at least try to connect with this weird little Integral “Community” as an exercise in bringing hearts together.