Art, Awakening, and the Evolution of Consciousness

In this new series of informal conversations, musician and composer Steve Banks talks to Integral artists about their work.  The series will include visual art, music, poetry and film. The conversations will be sparked by looking at or listening to specific works, picking up themes as they emerge, such as: What makes an artwork Integral? Evolution, and the many levels of consciousness. Unity-in-diversity. Integral spirituality. Integral art as a movement and its relation to the zeitgeist. The transformative power of Integral art. The context in which we experience art. The Kosmic creativity inherent in us all.

In this first conversation, Steve talks to Canadian Integral artist, Gaia Orion. Gaia starts off talking about how she came to Integral, her experience of living an Integral lifestyle, and putting together exhibitions of Integral artists at the Integral European Conferences since 2016.  Steve and Gaia go on to talk about three of Gaia’s exquisite paintings, which are shown on screen:

The Evolution Of Consciousness, as stunning painting which correlates directly with the movements Evolution 5 and Anamnesis from Steve’s Blue Pearl oratorio. It shows a large eye with the whole of evolution unfolding within it. (10”)

Hildegard, a depiction of 12th century German writer, composer, philosopher, mystic and visionary, Hildegard Von Bingen, as she contemplates a beautiful dawn; an image saturated with a deep tranquillity. (18.5”)

Awakening, another beautiful and deeply peaceful image, which shows a woman in a moonlit meditation, reflected in water. (13.5”)

Along the way, Steve and Gaia touch on: 

  • What is Integral art? – is it immediately recognizable as, say, impressionism or cubism? The beginning of a new movement.
  • Portraying the depths of consciousness, and the Kosmos becoming aware of itself through the evolution of human consciousness.
  • The transformative effect of experiencing Integral art, and the importance of the context in which we experience it.
  • The sacred feminine, wholeness, our connection with the earth. Art which is intensely personal, and yet speaks to the collective zeitgeist. 

See more of Gaia’s art at

Listen to a demo recording of Steve’s Blue Pearl: A One World Oratorio at where you can also buy tickets for the world premiere on 14th May 22, in London or live stream + 7 days on demand.

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