Because the country is "browning", I believe that is where the so called "regression" is coming from

I keep hearing on this platform that the mean greens are the main cause of the upswing of regressive red and amber for emerging as a menace. The way I understand the reasoning is something like, “well, the ruling elites keep promising progress socially, economically, politically, etc. but they are so disorganized without a leadership model (non hierarchical/relativistic) that they are out of touch and disappointing people.” Someone check me on this if this short summary is inaccurate.

What I think has happened is that when Trump attended the Gridiron Club roast of President Obama who roasted Trump who had hounded him about his birth certificate, Trump decided he was going to be president. Knowing the way his mind seems to work, he may have believed it, but he also knew that if he ran for president it would only help his contract negations for The Apprentice and other things he had on the back burner.

Pat Buchanan, who was one of Nixon’s young turks coined the term The Silent Majority. Well, Trump was a perfect match for a racial backlash because Obama won the presidency and that was well beyond the neurological capacity of almost all red and many/most while ambers living in rust bucket areas and small towns. It was perfect timing for Trump. Sometimes I still see him at rallys and he looks so contended (if that is the right word) to be able to whip people into angy chants and ridiculous calls and responses. It is as if he is saying “look how easy this is, can you believe it?”

Back to the main point. There is no regression because the Trump followers that can’t separate a person’s character from what they promise they will do have been out there long before Nixon used some of the same hate tactics, as did Reagan, to whip up crowds. We are going to have the first female, African-American president and there is going to be another backlash. I don’t believe Kamala Harris is too green to led (in more ways than one). She is like Obama in that it is so unexpected what will happen and it isn’t because she is one of those presidents that you can count on one hand, but she will do a decent and credible job. If Harris, Obama, and Clinton were all too green and caused the country to rip itself apart, well get over it because they are the future.


Great points. While both/all parties have the responsibility, the MGMers have more capacity and thus more possibility to move up to Teal if they stop for a second and process the feelings and ethics (and retain Orange’s individualism in a positive way). The temporary involution is part of the process.

Boomer Reds can be more constrained neurologically and/or with PTSD/CPTSD. But if they can’t see that things have been changing much faster and if curiosity and close family/friends don’t lead or outright push them to learn about mental health or psychology and get help, then it’s just not going to work which is why MGMers/regular Greens move to Teal.

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Yes, it’s a messy process, but it’s a part of the process. We forget how messy the enlightenment was moving from scholastic philosophy and absolute monarchy and aristocracy to a more scientifically based individualism and rational process of thinking inductively and not deductively. The United States Constitution wasn’t the beginning of the enlightenment, it was the culmination of the enlightenment. Isaac Newton, for example, was more beloved, idolized and became more of an archetype of the new kind of thinking and basic orientation to the cosmos, much more than Einstein is to our current collective consciousness. Unfortunately, the debates are still going on.

Green has found its stride and needs to become normalized by the US population. Of course that goes against integral because if you find yourself at a general center of gravity at a lower level of consciousness and perception, you’re not going to be able to accept a higher level of consciousness and perception. So by that logic, there is always going to be inherent conflict. If say 20% of the population becomes teal there’s still going to be a great amount of conflict because of what of rest of the 80% of people are going to be doing—-disagreeing with each other because they see their level of consciousness and perspective as the only true level of consciousness and perspective. There’s not going to be a Kumbaya experience anywhere in the foreseeable future as far as I can see

What I understand from this platform is that green started to inundate common culture around 1960. That’s not a lot of time for a leap in consciousness to stabilize. But it has become time for leadership, especially politically, to open up for Jews, Muslims, women, blacks, asins, unorthodox sexually oriented people etc to take top spots in top government posts

It’s going to happen and there’s no turning back. I don’t think this country or the majority of this country understands this yet. Maybe green because they have more capability as you mentioned don’t have to become teal. Maybe they need to be normalized. Some of them are becoming teal as a natural progression.

That’s the point I’ve been trying to make. It’s a whole new world that is suddenly upon us that has found its footing with core principles and generally accepted group standards BUT at the same time is not being accepted. Not all people have to move to teal which is logically untenable, but your right green would have to be the group of a small amount of its population to move up. I know there are statistical predictions about what percentage of people this will be in the future and when it will happen, I just don’t have them at my fingertips. And again even if it’s a large section of the population, why do we expect it to filter down to the common culture if the common culture is not prepared or able to accept integrated as a way of being? Again, the natural resistance is that each of the lower groups believe it’s their way or the highway.

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