Community Conversations

Hi @ksv, thanks for your message! :pray:

I actually won’t be attending the Denver conference, so perhaps it might be more appropriate for attendees to co-create some light structure? Or perhaps other Integral Life members have some suggestions…? :thinking:

Have a lovely day! :four_leaf_clover:

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I’m now in direct contact with the person handling the Future Human conference’s programs :grin:. Brandon and I can stay in touch with you on how we can further support all local Integral groups via ICON and the FH conference.

“Some light structure” sounds very good to me. My idea is to find a Goldilocks zone in between too much & too little structure. With Integralists, I doubt that we need much structure at all going in. Wonder what will emerge? :grin: :grin: :grin:


Hi everyone!

Are there any Integrals in the Portland (Oregon) area who would be interested in local MeetUps?

Someone reached out to me via e-mail…


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I’m about 90 -120 minutes north of Portland. Meeting there on a special event basis might be viable. Also, I’m penciled in as part of @EnlightenedWorldview 's project to create “hubs” for wider interest groups of integral, metamodern, and related. Oregonians can feel free to use me for a connecting point until someone from Oregon itself volunteers for a similar role.


Thanks, @robert.bunge!

I’ve sent an e-mail to introduce you to a fellow Oregonian…

Be well! :four_leaf_clover:

Thanks. We connected. If anyone else in the Pacific NW area wants to join this network, just message me here.


Hey…I’ve been reading Ken Wilber and studying his work for about eight years - Theory of Everything, Sex Ecology and Spirituality. Hopeful to like cultivate some more of that leading edge community love that I’m realizing if real is so precious…
looking everywhere for it after however many crises. There’s some bad energy in America and the world abroad. Anyways hey I do live in Denver if there was a planned conference would like to help and try it out. However you call it looking for sanity. Best

  • Duncan Palmer

Hi Duncan, welcome to the community!

Yeah I love Ken’s work. Hope you find connection here.


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Thank you Namal. Can I ask you what kind of work you are doing and how you are applying integral knowledge or practices towards it?


Hi @duncp92,


Are you already aware of @Nomali’s Integral Boulder In-Person meetings?

You can find out more about the next gathering here:

Be well! :four_leaf_clover:

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Professionally, I am currently a security guard. I am working on starting a certificate in digital marketing and getting a remote job. In my personal life the way I am applying integral is to continually write down the elements, principles, stages etc in notes and continually figure out how they apply to me and how they might apply to the collective and systems as they are referenced in the picture below.

Good for you Namal. What kind of marketing are you interested
in doing? Is this just a new job for you to provide a better living
or is it a passion? Do you have a passion outside of your work?

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Hi, I the certificate will help me learn search engine marketing like PPC. I want to get a remote job and start my own company. Yes, this would serve my Beige-Orange needs by getting a good enough income and location freedom to find a place of my own and move on from the shelter I am at. Integral and everything I’m learning in that area is more of the passion.