"Conscious Co-Operative Capitalism"

“Conscious Co-Operative Capitalism”

In March of 2020 people’s lives and businesses were abruptly interrupted by a global pandemic. As an advertising and marketing display company we serviced the tradeshow industry. Like someone turned off a light, our sales revenues dropped by over ninety percent while we still had to pay for our unchanged overhead expenses.

Uncertainty and struggles create a demand that drives innovation. Like millions of other small local businesses, we were forced to re-think our entire business strategy. This emotional shake-up led us down the rabbit hole of discovery beyond just our own personal business setbacks.

We started rethinking the entire economy and how broken it had become, particularly for the RSB Marketplace (Really Small Businesses). The RSB market includes self-employed individuals, start-up companies, and small businesses with less than 50 employees; that was us.

The intense worry and pressure led us to a major break-through and a mastermind shift. We started thinking really big. The bigger we thought the smaller we felt. Then like a bolt-of-lightening an ‘ah-ha’ moment hit us.

Woven out of the millions of tiny pieces of our wreaked economy we began to piece together something new. An innovative business model so significant, that once adopted, we believe will create a self-sustaining and mutually beneficial economic ecosystem for companies of all sizes.

To fully realize the power of this new idea we need to provide some background to the logical sequence of our thinking. Reading through this will help differentiate what is contained within the LoaQl Manifesto from previous ideas on sustainable economies.

Competitive Capitalism

For centuries we have watched money flow through a robust capitalistic system that led to tremendous advancements for humanity. The positives of this free and robust capitalistic society have been unmatched in bringing prosperity to the average citizen. Top people and companies competed delivering a quality and variety of comfort greater than that of kings and queens of the past.

Over time this rapid advancement of raw competitive capitalism created a pattern of tremendous wealth disparity. By overall percentages the rich seem to keep getting richer and fewer while the masses multiply and become poorer. More and more individuals are blocked out of the system by a lack of start-up money and the restrictions of government regulations.

The money flows from our pockets up to large corporate companies and industry franchises that work endlessly to compete against local small businesses, while doing very little to support the local community overall.

Democratic governments that once served as a counterbalance to these monopolistic powers now appear to be controlled by the raw power that massive amounts of money can buy through 3rd party subsidiaries and government lobbyists.

Conscious Capitalism

Whole Foods’ John Mackey developed the idea of Conscious Capitalism. The concept was created on the premise that businesses should operate not only in an ethical manner while they pursue profits on behalf of management and shareholders, but also that serves all stakeholders involved including team members (employees), vendors and customers while being conscious of the environment.

The principle of Conscious Capitalism is a trend in the right direction. It still does not provide relief or solutions for RSB Marketplace. Just like raw Competitive Capitalism, Conscious Capitalism greatly benefits larger companies with the resources to gain traction displacing local small businesses.

Co-operative Capitalism

Like Competitive Capitalism, Co-operative Capitalism is a top-down system to control and win more market share. While both ideas have some level of merit in specific niches neither support the local small businesses, the backbone to a balanced economic ecosystem overall.

Co-operative Capitalism provides all participating companies the ability to access resources that by themselves would be out of reach. Trade organizations and unions by their collective group cooperation leverage tremendous power over market dynamics. Competitively nudging out more and more of the little RSB’s to the determent of the local community connections, furthering the class divide.

Another common complaint of Co-operative Capitalism is forcing people to participate and contribute. Many unions use this tactic to ensure ‘dues’ are paid even if the interest of the person contributing is not represented.

Conscious Co-operative Capitalism

In the process of analyzing the aftermath of government shut-downs we invested thousands of hours of combined effort compiling insights from other businesses. As we expanded our minds to challenge traditional thinking it finally became clear to us. It is only when we combine the purposeful ‘intent’ of Conscious Capitalism with the ‘collaborative’ efforts of Co-operative Capitalism that supports everyone in the system, we were able to create an innovative, transitional, self-sustaining model that provides solutions for all of those who choose to participate.

This has led to this break-through Manifesto. This is intentionally designed to benefit all consumers and especially RSB owners in every local community. It combines the best practices of the old business models with the innovation of the new; providing greater access to opportunities for everyone.

Our intent is to introduce this new business model to all constituents of all local economies. It is our position that local communities that adopt Conscious Co-operative Capitalism will benefit in a material and sustainable manner that will become their ‘new normal’. This ‘LoaQl’ Manifesto out-lines the implementation of Conscious Cooperative Capitalism at the local level.

What Is Conscious Co-operative Capitalism?

It is a more holistic approach that will work for everyone especially those being undermined by the traditional competitive models. This is restructuring our business relationships. It’s opposite to the competitive capitalistic models.

This is not a bifurcated economic system that results into the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’. This is designed to support the local small businesses which are also the consumers in the local economy.

The Conscious Co-operative Capitalism provides a solution built from the bottom up. Working with local companies and their communities ‘intentionally’ coming together to ‘collaborate’. Pursuing benefits for all those who participate in revenue cycles: consumers, businesses, and communities alike. No model will ever provide an equality of outcome, but in this system there is a requirement of participation to benefit.

A ‘conscious’ recognition that everyone who participates in the marketplace deserves benefits for that participation; even if that role is simply consuming, it needs to be recognized and supported as essential to the ‘conscious co-operative’ economy at large.

Everyone must participate in the economic system to benefit, either with money or cooperative efforts of support. There is a material element of required participation in the ecosystem allowing all local businesses access. Meaning even those with limited to ZERO resources must have access to participate in the cooperative marketplace.

Our adoption of Conscious Co-operative Capitalism, stated within this ‘LoaQl’ Manifesto, focuses on local communities and all who live, work, and consume there. This innovative opportunity and idea unifies consumers and businesses together as a cooperative system. The consumption of goods and services and the profits they generate will be concentrated locally.

Through this process "LoaQl’ has repurposed technology allowing local businesses a tool to cost-effectively market directly to the local community, driving consumers to their products or services with discounts and promotional offers. It will also serve as a messaging channel for the entire local community to support and benefit from one another. Where everyone in the community network has access to utilize and contribute toward helping one another locally.

Medi-Share is good example of an innovative implementation of Conscious Co-operative Capitalism. As one of the largest health care sharing communities in America Medi-Share members take comfort in knowing their premiums remain low while their eligible medical expenses are covered by the community at large.

Contrast that to the competitive profit environment owned primarily by large corporate companies. They accumulate money and power for their stakeholders rather than optimize for the health and welfare of all involved in the system. This raw competitive capitalistic model of accumulating money and power has proven highly detrimental to all local communities and their local businesses. These old competitive marketplace ideas of optimizing exclusively for the profits of the few at the expense of the majority will no longer remain viable.

The new conscious co-operative capitalist is looking to create a long-term win-win relationship with everyone involved, from consumer to share-holder. Rather than optimizing for maximum profits, they consciously optimize for maximum co-operative experiences that benefit all in the system. This includes short-term benefits of free access and fast profits, along with long-term sustainability for the individuals and to the collective environment at large.

The Local Connections

New business propositions must start with looking at things locally. What is the real impact on people, the local community and our natural resources at large? Through these new ideals, respectful of the collective co-operative of working together, we will consciously reveal the capitalistic value to the collective. The new normal for business is not a one-size fits all but rather a complex holistic idea.

It is a must to reverse engineer the classic top down pyramid of competitive capitalism. Restructure our business relationships to run opposite to those of the competitive capitalistic power centers. The success of anything that’s built is the foundation it’s built upon. The conscious co-operation needs to flow from the bottom up, not the top down. Planning and decisions need to take place locally with the conscious co-operation of all involved.

The conscious co-operative efforts will only succeed in a supportive environment. The negative attacking and fighting of competitive capitalism via cancel culture movements or boycotts will slowly decline. The positives of Conscious Co-operative Capitalism will negate the negatives of the cancel culture and boycotts. The lop-sided bifurcated economy the competitive models produce will not be accepted.

Decisions made in a competitive corporate conference room, or in Washington DC, or even the State Capital’s will soon become obsolete as we consciously co-operate to support ourselves locally with a system that is fair to all. Is it good for the entire group locally? Is it good for the environment? Accommodating the weakest links in the economy chain, which are the consumers, must be the priority.

How do we adopt and implement Conscious Co-operative Capitalism?

Step 1 – Consciously accept and commit to the idea of supporting one-another locally.

Step 2 – We are all consumers and the foundation of success begins with us as individual consumers. As a consumer commit your time, resources and money to participate consciously in supporting individual local businesses that consciously co-operate by being members of the local collective.

Step 3 – Success still comes through our competitive efforts in the marketplace. However the results of winning and losing have consciously changed. It’s the effort and input we give toward helping others that matters now.

We will still compete consciously as individuals, working to obtain success and viability through the collective co-operative system. Success will still come through competitive winning but the objectives of winning have consciously changed. In this new conscious environment we are not rewarded through selfish power-grabs.

It’s a new game; a plan B which rewards success differently. It will be through positive altruistic efforts at helping others that we will climb the ladder of success. Competitive people committed to working hard for the success of others will be rewarded with greater access and prominence to influence the collective.

By consciously restructuring the existing profit models toward greater shared benefits and better service toward others we all win. The best of the best will compete for bigger and better ideas at helping others.

Financial success will be less attractive than the social capital and influence earned by the super-stars of conscious cooperative capitalism. They will have the credibility and co-operation of others to serve as conscious leaders in our new economy.

The existing power centers built on competitive capitalism alone will break apart, requiring that they too restructure to this new conscious cooperative effort to remain viable in the marketplace.

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This sounds like a business application to the concept of “regenerative cultures,” which began with an environmental emphasis in local communities but has expanded. Have you seen any results in your own business/community, or too soon to tell?

I like the sentence “the bigger we thought, the smaller we felt.” Thanks for sharing!

Have you seen any results in your own business/community, or too soon to tell?

The ideas presented are very highly received among the younger people, the old-school capitalists not so much. Results measured by different metrics like agreement in principle with the ideas are pretty much accepted by almost everyone we engage with.

I think many of these are good intermediary systems that could lessen the harm done by the current economic system. But I don’t see them as systems lasting more than 100 or more years.
Here are a few musings I have on the subject:

What is Success?
99% of people I talk to about success immediately gravitate to financial success and monetary wealth.
How much is “enough” financial wealth before people start to concentrate on success and wealth in terms of relationships, self love and acceptance?
I believe our society can never be healthy as long as it places financial success first and all the others a very very remote second. As a very practical matter, we should replace math, science and technology core competencies in elementary schools with self-love, authentic relating to others, and other whole-person skills.
In the end, Whole Foods’ John Mackey was looking for financial success above all. When his liberal management programs started to come into conflict with his financial bottom line, he fired tons of people and re-hired people willing to accept lower wages and fewer benefits. Looking back, we see that this was to get his Financials looking a bit better so he could cash in and sell the whole project for a much better bottom line. Enter Amazon.
The lesson of Whole Foods is that unless the person really has other priorities, all this Conscious Capitalism is just a shell game or bait and switch - just another tool to make money.

Why Competition?
This really is an old Capitalist myth that doesn’t really have any basis in actual research. The myth is that competition and fear of loss will force innovation. I find it interesting when people who believe they are “waking up” don’t see this basic flaw of serving two masters.
How does spirituality integrate with a competitive philosophy?

Why Capitalism?
Capitalism is economic and political system where laws support acquisition of resources (capital) into economies of scale (large mega corporations) and make a profit based on supply and demand.
The thing here is that capitalism by it’s very nature destroys small local businesses. Ford, Howard Hughes, Amazon and all the rest are capitalism working as designed.
The way our laws have implemented Capitalism is that the Corporation is more important than the individual. If a Corporation wants your house, we have laws called eminent domain that allow a corporation to take it because you provide zero jobs living in your house while a corporation will provide hundreds of jobs. Capitalism places justice and equality for the individual as secondary to that of a large Corporation.
Citizens United is just a recognition of this by Conservative Justices that large amounts of large sums of money under one corporations is more important than the voices of tens of thousands of individual people - because one corporation has more dollars to spend than tens of thousands of individuals.

Why Consumerism?
Consumer based Capitalism is only one form of capitalism, but it’s what we have doubled down on over the past 100 years.
When all a person’s basic needs have been fulfilled, Consumer Capitalism has to “create needs”. This is usually done in one of two ways:
1 - Use negative psychological manipulations to make masses of individuals feel they are inadequate unless they purchase a product. If every individual suddenly found themselves loving themselves and feeling adequate in who they are - capitalism would collapse in a few days. In order to maintain our economic system, it requires masses of people to feel inadequate.
2 - Engineered obsolescence. While a theoretical benefit of capitalism is said to be that the quality of items improves over time due to market efficiencies, in practice the opposite is true. In practice it’s more profitable to spend money on advertising and make an inferior product that has to be bought again and again. People like Rudolf Diesel have been found at the bottom of rivers decade after decade when they invent something that threatens engineered obsolescence.
The zoning laws of US cities are another form of engineered inefficiency that makes multiple family cars a requirement to get basic needs like food.

I myself believe the solution starts with the individual - getting people to understand person by individual person that they don’t need to participate in Consumer Capitalism except to a very minimal extent to fulfill very basic needs. You don’t need a fucking impossible burger to be woke vegan. :rofl: I understand that it would be impossible to implement this individual transformation on a grand, organized scale because it would threaten many people’s fortunes and anyone doing so will face a great deal of push back. But if even just 1% of the population realized the degree to which they don’t have to participate and still live happy lives - the Global Consumer Capitalist economy would not be able to sustain even such a small percentage of people withdrawing and would start to collapse.

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@excecutive Now we’re talking!

How do we adopt and implement Conscious Co-operative Capitalism?

  • Maybe there is already a bunch of it going on that we can replicate in the Integral community (or hijack, merge with, become part of, include ourselves in).

Step 1 – Consciously accept and commit to the idea of supporting one-another locally.

  • Isn’t this “anti-globalism” and perhaps devolution to more family, tribal, city that is somewhat in conflict with “globalism”?

Step 2 – We are all consumers and the foundation of success begins with us as individual consumers. As a consumer commit your time, resources and money to participate consciously in supporting individual local businesses that consciously co-operate by being members of the local collective.

  • Perfect example of hard core capitalism in play - “vote with your $'s” and you will change the world.

Step 3 – Success still comes through our competitive efforts in the marketplace. However the results of winning and losing have consciously changed. It’s the effort and input we give toward helping others that matters now.

  • Let’s look at Starbucks as an example. Starbucks’ profit margins are at usury levels. This enables lots of cool programs (free tuition, lots of advertising,…). With Starbucks setting the pricing levels where they are, independent or family owned and operated coffee shops can easily sustain themselves.

One thing we all need to look at is if we day in day out vote for globalization (Amazon, Costco, et al) or do we vote for individual, family, local community empowerment.

On a side note - Whole Foods CEO Mackey practiced highly predatory behavior leading up to their Wild Oats acquisition. As with Starbucks, they enjoy “usury” profit margin levels enabling mega-advertising budgets which enables shaping of public perception. The vast majority of Americans simply cannot afford to shop for groceries at Whole Foods (now owned by Amazon).

I do love the devolution if you will from globalization back to local, community, city, state, national economic focus. We can cast it as integral, but MANY communities do this as standard operating procedure. We buy locally whenever we can - small local grocery chains (one Christian, one Muslim), gas in the neighborhood, local auto mechanic, Jim’s hardware store, insurance from a fellow church goer, donate locally, buy art locally or from global communities we want to support, on and on… Even when we have to pay a more. This is actually standard operating procedure for most, if not all, religious communities.

National/global programs like say UBI or $15/hour minimum wage have a oversized negative impact on the RSB and hence negatively impact Conscious Co-Operative Capitalism.

“National/global programs … oversized negative impact on the RSB and hence negatively impact Conscious Co-Operative Capitalism.” Agreed :slight_smile:

The ideas were about reverse engineering the current system. It sucks money to the top in pure competitive capitalism. We’re suggesting uniting communities into local self-supporting cooperative business endeavors. Bring some of that money back-home to the community.

More importantly to uniting locally with real people again. This has been significantly diminished in our society since the Internet isolation age, now aggravated by Covid Shut-downs. Rediscover our human connections in person.

Sounds to me like you want a return to Mayberry RFD :slight_smile:. Would it be considered a downside, if we trade with our neighborhood, church, or village community? Some could argue that would be discriminatory. What if these communities, towns, cities aren’t diverse enough as defined by the Woke police that we’ve just created in the other thread?
Maybe it’s a neighborhood of Hindus with no Muslims (that’s probably acceptable), a Catholic Parish with no Atheists (probably not acceptable), a Muslim community with zero LGBTQ and women can’t drive (ugh, messy, ugh), or perhaps Sheriff Andy turns out to be nepotistic and corrupt but has enough support to keep getting reelected? Gets messy…

Are we defining a wonderful Traditional community with some slight tweaks here and there? :slight_smile:

I imagine this will be welcomed by those embracing this higher level of conscious cooperation. Through cooperation working for the good of all who consciously cooperate to attain greater support and more power. Growing in reconnection and repurposing to reinvigorate and reinvest in influencing and collaborating working together toward a collective of cooperation. If you want to label this Mayberry, or Socialism or The Borg Hive or Lunacy … or anything else that fits in your matrix I am okay with that too. ~ Peace :slight_smile:

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My own model for the way I am living now and building my “second half” of life I think I can take Maslow’s Hierarchy and look at “self esteem” and the needs below self esteem.
Another book that helped form this idea is “A New Earth” by Ekharte Tolle.
What does one need for self esteem? I would argue actually nothing. No products - nothing a capitalist economy can provide. Just sit there until you figure it out. :joy:
On the contrary modern capitalism actively devotes to an overwhelming percentage of its resources on marketing campaigns and advertising to try and destroy people’s self esteem so that they will then purchase a product to get a temporary relieve from the feeling of lacking the product.
Our entire economy and the society that worships capitalism as a sacred cow can only exist in its current form if people cannot achieve Maslow’s 4th level without purchasing a product.
The hilarious sad truth is that very, very, very few people can envision achieving self esteem without purchasing it. Even self help products have to be purchased (but fail to deliver)
Our communities look down on individuals if we don’t have specific products. House, vehicle, name brand university degree, etc. It even goes down to the level of finding a mate, sex and reproduction because a potential mate might demand certain products that the community deem are necessary for self esteem.

One different path is when a person realizes that real self esteem cannot be found anywhere except within and this is nurtured to a point where the person absolutely does not need any external input for self esteem. From there they find individuals, communities and mates who share that knowledge.
When these individuals, families and communities gather, they don’t need products beyond the bare minimum. Some finances are necessary, but only to a minimum level.
As more of these people gather in a geographic area, they make it unpleasant for people to live there who are set in the first mindset. Property values might not grow or may even drop, for example. The neighborhood might look “trashy” to investors because the residents don’t share the priority of having a big inedible lawn, manicured inedible bushes, and an energy wasting home design. Many homes might be partially built from the waste of other homes (reclaimed materials) and / or be partially unpermitted. It might even be accepted by the community that squatting in vacant investment property is moral and it is immoral to develop housing in a way that drives out people who make less money.
The point being that small communities can grow that do not share materialistic means of achieving self esteem through consumption and as they grow people who use consumption as a means to achieve self esteem will find the area unattractive and keep out.
A volcano that threatens to flow through any large property development investment projects every decade or so also contributes to attracting one type and discouraging traditional investors.

On the small scale, family level, these kinds of dwellings do need occasional large purchases wisely chosen that will last more than one lifetime. They also need a small amount of cash flow to purchase minor consumption items (like spices). But they essentially run off of a fraction of what an average suburban family needs to live off of.
Their shelter, food, water, rest and safety needs are met with very little costs.
Then as a community; intimacy, sex, reproductive , friendship needs are also met without conspicuous consumption. Nobody watches TV or at most minimally and they all mostly miss out on being delivered a daily dose of needs that require being purchased away.
Capitalism as we know it could not survive if even a small portion of the population chose to live like this. The capitalism we know requires an ever growing list of new needs to be created to build low self esteem and a product provided just in time that can be purchased to fill that gap.
The threat to these "alternative " communities is always external and usually for development purposes for a few individuals to make hundreds of millions of dollars per project. They lobby state and local governments to enforce stricter codes under the guise of safety and the environment when they are really just to keep a population addicted to consumption capitalism.

Very Integral :slight_smile:
The highest level of leadership is when the goals manifest and you receive no credit at all. Call it Conscious co-Operative Capitalism, Mayberry, classic Free Market Economics, Bob, 2nd Tier Marxism. What’s in the name…

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I don’t think our choices have to be either-or, but rather, both-and. Supporting one another locally is not antagonistic to globalism, imo. Executive’s CC-OC idea to me does fit with what is being called “regenerative cultures” which focus on local community cooperation and also regional cooperation. When the NE and the NW parts of the U.S. worked together during certain phases of the pandemic in determining travel limits, for instance, across state lines, that was a form of what is meant by re-generating a (regional) culture.

It doesn’t have to be JUST local collectives of cooperation, not JUST supporting the local businesses (because FermentedAgave is right in that some people cannot financially afford goods through the local shop when Walmart or Costco offers them better deals). But it also doesn’t have to be JUST Walmart and Costco, Amazon and Starbucks. What is “on the side” of Executive’s idea is that the pendulum has swung too far towards the big boxes and big bucks and big capitalism and big competition, and there is room for a swing to the other side. When 5 people in the world own 50% of the world’s wealth, that is a system that is bonkers, imo, particularly given the levels of poverty we’re seeing.

Competition within a context of cooperation is to me sort of akin to the idea of autonomy within the context of community/relationship. Neither competition nor autonomy are going away anytime soon, but they do need to fall back into the fold of a greater whole.

I think some of raybennet’s comments about capitalism and products being created to keep people “wanting” (and buying) and also consumption and self-esteem hold some water. We are definitely an overly materialistic culture, and too dependent on validation from the exterior world, and there are too few people talking about that.

Thank you for your contribution to these ideas. I am grateful that we have such contrasting visions and observations. Paramount to me would be validating everyone in the system. That is important to any genuine and long-term successful system. Tearing down the successful or setting lower expectations for those at the bottom are some suggested ways of doing that.

I would suggest supporting those at the bottom to learn to contribute back to the community at large. This is a stronger culture than one that simply provides a bare sustenance for survival and denies one the dignity and satisfaction that comes through living a positive productive life.

@raybennett Your comment certainly paints a vivid picture of the future that seems to be unfolding in front of our eyes. My hope, and perhaps @FermentedAgave and @LaWanna and even you too @raybennett, is that we can do better than that and improve our world for everyone.

If we consciously cooperate together. Commit to an Integral capitalist community. One that values and encourages everyone in the system. For each to find their part in giving back to the community at large, especially those at the bottom. Through a vision and a Conscious Cooperative Capitalistic endeavor we can not only survive but perhaps we can thrive in a better more integral life for everyone?

I was gifted a Conscious Co-Operative Capitalism experience about 10 years ago.

We had a beautiful 8 inch snow cover creating a winter-wonderland scene. The doorbell rang and a very polite, cordial, clean cut young man had walked the long way around our walkway (4 times longer than cutting straight across the yard) and told me his story. He had graduated from our high school (top 200 in US) and was sorting out what to do with his life. He was playing American Legion baseball (turns out HS graduates can keep playing without going to college) and his coach was helping him figure out what was next. He didn’t need to say it, but he wasn’t college material and his short stature meant he wasn’t going to have a pro/semi-pro baseball career.

He offered to clear our driveway and sidewalks for whatever I felt fair. This young man, with vulnerability and personal honesty - told me that he needed me. He didn’t demand or cajole. He didn’t guilt, shame or manipulate. There were no victim cause, social injustice, or “life isn’t fair”. There was no Woke woe-be-to-me story. He created the space to bless me with the opportunity to have a deep and ever changing experience that him and I are in this life together. We are the same. We need each other. It doesn’t matter what we look like or how articulate we are. We’re all in this together.

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Here’s the thing - Feudalism was a great system for it’s time. People needed to be able to grow food without being slaughtered by barbarians and any military response to barbarians needed to be professional / dedicated, localized, using the latest technology (mounted armored knights) and flexible.
Capitalism also has produced tremendous benefits to civilization.
But Green postmodernism has pointed out some glaring faults with capitalism and they presented the ideas of Communism, Socialism and various hybrids of Liberal Capitalism.
Just as I do not think we can alter Feudalism a little and make it work for the next century, to a lesser extent I don’t think another adjustment to Capitalism is the answer going forward (and neither is Socialism).
The jump from first Tier to second Tier, to my understanding is transformative and I think it requires a complete re-think from bottom to top of every aspect of an issue.
I just don’t think tweaking capitalism here or there is going to work for a global 2nd tier society.
On the contrary - I see that if even a small minority of the population do advance to second tier, capitalism will collapse due to flaws that have to do with the very basis of what it is: an Orange Economic system.

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Excellent read that seems apropos for the discussion: Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress

@LaWanna Should we define and codify into regulations this Conscious Co-Operative Capitalism? Should you and I who perhaps can afford to “shop local” have a legal requirement to do so while say someone on UBI be regulated to only “buy cheapest available”? Or perhaps we put tariffs on the “cheap stuff” but give low income a “discount” card?

No, no, no, and no :slightly_smiling_face:

Well then if it’s an Include and Transform, then how do we do that? :slight_smile:

I’m not sure I understand your question. Plus, I have to exit here now, maybe tomorrow.

Do we legislate “support thy neighbor”? Or somehow include and transform?

We envision this as an emotional and spiritual movement spring-boarding off the trauma the world has experienced culminating in the 2020 world shut-down. A collective movement to push back against the system that has been dividing and separating us now for over two decades.

The world has become more and more polarized, creating deep cutting separation. We occupy the same physical space but our social networks and ideological associations connected by computer algorithms are polluting our biological human connections; putting family members, living in the same household, in completely different worlds.

Everyone is feeling alienated to one degree or another; and this pace of change will only continue to hasten. Dramatic change always lead to a unifying energy among the collective to unite and pursue their own cause.

This negative energy needs to be harnessed and leveraged into positive actions within local human biological connections. Uniting in common goals of conscious cooperative connections to positively support all involved in the group collective. As these groups unite and connect they accumulate power to become a movement of positive change from an integral perspective of conscious cooperation.

We become a healing love-virus that spreads throughout the system. Not against anyone or anything but … FOR a conscious cooperative capitalism that unites the best of our civilization accomplishments.

As these united groups grow and expand they do so from the bottom up on a positive trajectory. Turning the tables on the top-down power structures that are clearly no longer viable long-term.

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