Hi all, attached here is a snapshot I took in my room last November 2024 of what seems to be a silver or white orb. Is it a NHI or just some plain old camera effect?
Did you also see it without the camera?
Of it was only through the camera then that wouls suggest it eas the camera. If you saw it with your eyes without the camera then that suggests something else.
What signs of intelligence did it display?
It it was something you saw, it could have been one thing just as easily as another without any confirmation that it was a specific thing. For example, a ghost, angel, demon, extradimenaional object, alien or normal light shining on a normal wall.
Ive always accepted that there are things in this universe we cant comprehend and will never know. For example, one night while camping along highway 299 just outside willow creek I saw a bigfoot running away from my tent at night. It was way to big to be a man and bears dont run on two legs. Im not going to even begin to try and make sense out of that or make any theories about it. I think trying to make sense out of such things or build a theory around it is going to be inevitably wrong because we only have 1% of the data required to make an informed hypothesis
Greetings Namal. A personal perspective here, and not trying to sell it, but I wonder what difference it makes. It seems so much of our time is spent on wishful thinking, predicting, hoping, fearing, imagining, infatuation with things just outside our reach, like a huge practical joke, an infinity of distractions away from here and now …
"Variety is the spice of life." - from William Cowper’s “The Task,” published in 1785
Hi ray,
No I didn’t see it with my eyes so it could very well be an effect of the camera.
Yeah it could also be an nhi.
Some things we will never know for sure and its always the case that its more important how we act on the limited knowledge we have
Maybe it was the soul of Sauron (Lord of the Rings) looking for Trump’s body to inhabit. I am serious about the parrallels btwn DJT and Sauron.