Correlating between Integral Theory, Henriques UTOK, and Vervaeke's 4E CogSci

I’ve been thinking about the correlation between Integral Theory, Gregg Henriques’ Unified Theory of Knowledge (UTOK) and John Vervaeke’s 4E Cognitive Science. I want to address this by looking more closely at forms of mindfulness and inner awareness. Check out this document and let me know what you think

Hi @EnlightenedWorldview. For starters, I’m intrigued!

The basic problem space I see here is managing cognitive complexity so we can can enjoy life and participate constructively in the world. I’m an adult educator. My stock in trade is finding simple ways to approach complex systems. Also, teasing out complexity in things that superficially look simple. Anyway, it’s looks like you are trying to orchestrate a massive amount of conceptual complexity here. To me, that’s catnip!

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Yes and I have a new version I’m working on that extends the pattern to all 4 quadrants. I didn’t see this initially because I was thinking in terms of inner awareness and inner development. Obviously this applies to the UL quadrant, but also to the LL. So that’s why the version of the doc linked above only covers the left-hand quadrants. The pattern that I came to later realize is that essentially all of this lives in the UL quadrant, but that one can develop their capacity to understand any of the 4 quadrants. The pattern also holds that each of these has 4 P’s of knowing associated with them (John Vervaeke’s participatory, perspectival, procedural, and propositional knowing). I decided to roll procedural up into participatory for reasons explained in that document. That didn’t change, but I did realize that you can have participatory knowing of the UR objective outer world and also perspectival knowing of the objective world and same goes for the LR. Likewise for the propositional knowing, etc. I’m hoping to complete the latest version within a couple of weeks. I want to use a better tool than Google Docs as well. Possibly Airtable? I’ll post it here when it’s ready for review.

Looking forward to the next version!

My goal is writing simple versions of everything that second language learners can understand, as well as people who are not especially academic. In checking out Vervaeke’s 4E CogSci, it appears my pragmatic approach shares some common things with that. (Sample lesson below). I got to this through naive “wholism”, not a grand theory of anything. But if Vervaeke, or Integral Theory, or UTOK can show me something I’m missing, I’m all ears!

"First all, skills don’t really live in your brain - they live in your body. Skills are not just what you know, they become who you are. Think of your human nervous system as a “stack”. In IT, we talk about software “stacks” all the time. A software stack is multiple layers of programming that work together to support complex operations. Humans have layers too. There are systems to keep your blood pumping. There are other systems to move your limbs. There are still other systems to control your moods, process what you see and hear, form words, remember things, or to make up your mind about what to do to next. The key to skills development is, you have to use all that! "

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