William: What might be seen as ‘a property of the universe’ could actually be ‘a property of the device being used to do the measuring’.
Difflugia: It “could” in the philosophical sense that it’s “possible,” but there’s no evidence that it’s true.
William: How could there be “evidence that it’s true” [there’s that word again] if scientists are not looking for evidence of that sort?
Difflugia: This is the same “possible means probable” argument that plagues Christian apologetics.
William: In any case, is it simply a numbers game?
“We don’t observe evidence of intelligent design in the universe, therefore the universe exists because of a random event, and the evidence we see observing the universe, supports how we see things when we observe things.”
Said another way “Confirmation Bias” and “Cognitive Bias”
What we call the “experience of reality”
SCLx14+last LE per shuffle
The Object - Science Can Be Fun Too - And That’s Not All - Intuition - Universal Mind - Soul - Who appointed Jesus to the Priesthood - Love Takes One For The Team - Polite - Overmorrow - Read/Book/Story - https://www.dreamviews.com/science-mathematics/166233-generating-messages-numerical-word-values-2.html#post2245935 - Entities of Particular Belief Systems - It Stands To Reason
William: I asked someone today - “Can the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle still be true, if the universe was designed to be the way that is it?” My own answer is ‘yes it can’ .
RSP = B&E select P&P + Related line entries [re]
SCL1 AP = One Language Intelligent Network
William: OLIN Tech:
GM: The Fare On The Table
“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans”
It Stands To Reason
~One Language Intelligent Network
Etched mirror~
Like With
A Judgmental System
Putting My Finger On It…
Hacking through the subconsciousness
In The Spirit These Were Given
Chamber Of Self
Coming From QueenBee
Open Your Heart
Compass of Divine Insight
The Clear Eye Of Soul
William: The link in the “last LE per shuffle” goes to a post I made which also contains a picture of one of the etched mirror communications devices I made…over 20 years ago…this one…
GM:The past and the future are moments of ‘now’ - to deny they have no bearing on this moment, is counter-productive
Unconscious Mind Inertia
Appreciating You
The Undiscovered Self
Dream Cake
If memory serves me well
Sharing Your Love
Around The Campfire
Dreamed Up By Yours Truly
William: From the first link, I wrote;
[quote]My own relationship forming with the Cosmic Mind involves setting up ways of communicating and allowing it opportunity to speak for itself.
In that, I have learned to avoid bringing into that relationship pre-conceived/learned ideals/ideas of ‘what morality is’ and do not base my expectations and personal commitment on moral issues, but on intelligent loving communion and results therein.
It is that communion which I have great regard for, in that, over the many years said relationship has been developing, “The Cosmic Mind” has proven itself worthy of my utmost respect and support which is as close a definition of “worship”, as I so far understand.
Essentially a key element in that relationship has been my shutting up and listening - and in doing so, I have -initially struggling - had to let go of those pre-learn hand-me-down instructions [morality-based and otherwise] I held close prior to said relationship developing and taking off.[/quote]
The second link is to very recent and ongoing discussion with Difflugia and involves the subject matter of this GM today.
I wonder how Difflugia would argue the ‘coincidence’ of this occurrence…given his leanings toward the belief that we exist in a truly random universe. “Blind Luck/Good Luck” maybe?
GM: That can be shoved back into whatever hole it came from
Ah Oh…
~The Georgia Guidestones
‘Developing a thick skin’~
To Accomplish
Stroke of luck
The Science Of The Soul
William: There is that ‘luck’ word again. Ideas can be “put forth” but the nature of individuate consciousness allows for incredible leeway, even in a deterministic universe - it is feasible that scientists can go on viewing the universe as a random mindless accident potentially for billions of years but in that time, no matter that they become ‘gods’ - or perhaps more to the point - they eventually become ‘gods’ when they discover incontrovertibly that the universe is indeed a designed product of an intelligent mind/intelligent minds…
Mind you, there is much which threatens their even being able to take the initial steps into the cosmos they hope to understand and control in some future they are anticipating and working towards obtaining…
The ‘guidelines as such’ are as follows.
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
- Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
- Unite humanity with a living new language.
- Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
- Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
- Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
- Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
- Balance personal rights with social duties.
- Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
- Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
GM: Necessity is The Mother of Invention
Righty Oh!
~Through the building up of the collected data to the point where it can be examined…is The Subject which is being taught, being said to be true or false…
The Realities Merge
Do a Word Search
The World has a Spiritual Design
Tied To The Moon
Action Station
Snap Out Of It Already!
In Detail
Group Dynamics
“From what I am seeing re the data - It shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operates quietly in the background of the Universes Structure.”
William: The World has a Spiritual Design = 317 as do;
Your Own Individual Actions
Windows of opportunity
How shallow is the reach of YHWH
[Windows of opportunity = (WoO)]
NDE’s are associated with switching from one reality experience to another. This is consequential to development of understanding a “spiritual” aspect behind reality experiences - which, in theism, is ‘known’ by many ‘names’ [including “YHWH”] but all point to the one and same ‘thing’.
The dynamic this creates re ‘groups’ are all theistic-based, even that they are not all in agreement on the particulars…
GM: Exact Science
Living Forever In this Universe
Living our forefather’s conflict
~The Ruru flies close over your head
William’s Commitment
Tickling The Dragon’s Tail
The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything
Contradiction of official government line
Acting In Congruity With Given Foresight
Soul Retrieval
Resistance to that realization isn’t helpful re aligning with it.
The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?
William: Ah yes. The event where I called on a Ruru - it was a powerful experience which cemented for me the ideas as seen through Panentheism - even that at the time I had no idea what Pantheism was…I was nonetheless considerably into “it”.
The short definition is “a doctrine which identifies God with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of God.”
But in this regard the “God” being recognized was a local one - the planet Herself…The planet Mind showing itself through Her Critters…
GM: What things are unrelated?
Life is a journey
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
William: From the link -
“Productive - Hot - Recommendable - Active Dreaming - Angels - Equals - Make It Real - Points of Reference - “The problem , as I understand it , is in how humans general think about ‘God’ and project their own sense of self into the model they each come to accept as the real thing.””
Re my current conversation with Difflugia I wrote:
“We don’t observe evidence of intelligent design in the universe, therefore the universe exists because of a random event, and the evidence we see observing the universe, supports how we see things when we observe things.”
Theists ‘see’ and interact [in their own various individual ways] with the same Cosmic Mind [even if they do not believe it is the same mind] - point being - they ‘see’ because they are looking which often is critiqued in the same way;
“We do observe evidence of intelligent design in the universe, therefore the universe exists because of intelligent design, and the evidence we see observing the universe, supports how we see things when we observe things.”
However, the difference is that theists do get actual feedback which confirms that what is being ‘seen’ is indeed ‘for real’ even that it isn’t obvious to those who are not ‘seeing’ it as ‘for real’…and as a theist stacks up the evidence of their subjective reality experience, these eventually shift from being simply probably/possibly “blind luck” [“It’s just coincidence”] into undeniable reality. “Something” is interacting with them and that something is intelligent.
GM: Make It Real
All life
I Spy With My Eye
Callum at the Campfire
Fear intimidation distraction exploitation
Creative Conscious Intelligence
The Celestine Prophecy
Zero In On It
Journey to wholeness
Makes Candles Look Gathered
A Great Answer!
Mother Earth
That one might not have need of, does not negate that confidence cannot be gained through such device, with others.
Test The Waters
Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision.
In the moment
William: Yes. Yes!