Good morning!
Does anybody know whether anyone has developed tests to determine at what (general) stage of development one is? Or specific to any lines of development, for that matter. If so, could you please send me the reference?
Thank you,
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Hi Miguel! has tests based on a model like/exactly as Integral. There are also other disparate sites like which test for different parts like instinct/behaviors.
You’re welcome! Live long and prosper 

You might also be interested in: A Guide to the Subject-Object Interview: Its Administration and Interpretation by Lahey, Souvaine, and Kegan. The S-O interview guidelines help you identify the participant’s level of development based on Kegan’s levels of mental complexity. (I tried to paste the Amazon link, but it isn’t playing nicely with the Integral Life platform. . .)
Of the more than a hundred developmentalists Wilber used to describe stages, I’m most familiar with what I call the “Loevinger lineage” psychometric profiles:
- Washington University Sentence Completion Test (SCT) led by Jane Loevinger,
- Subject-Object Interview (SOI) led by Robert Kegan,
- Leadership Development Profile (LDP) led by Harthill Consulting (really Susanne Cook-Greuter, Bill Torbert, and Elaine Herdman-Barker),
- Mature Adult Profile (MAP) led by Susanne Cook-Greuter,
- Global Leadership Profile (GLP) led by Bill Torbert,
- The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) led by Bob Anderson, and
- Changewise Leadership Agility 360 by Bill Joiner.
As the profile names suggest, some of these have been refined for business leadership. By “familiar” I mean I have discussed their books and papers with those still alive, had three different profiles (including the LDP), and been certified to debrief the GLP and LCP. So feel free to ask follow-up questions!