How do you deal with loss of your childhood faith?

Dear IT friends,
Some of you like me have come from a fundamental faith. I’ve been interfaith for 8 years and have added IT. Sadly a distance has opened between me and my fundamental friends. I feel that loss. The fundamental worship services I go to now (way less often) lack some of the meaning I once took from them. I feel that loss.

Hence why I appreciate any and all community here.

So is what I feel here shared by anyone else here and how can those emotions be managed effectively? Perhaps just by airing these feelings here can support one another.

I grew up Lutheran, had a mystical experience out in the woods among others, deep silence moments in the church sanctuary, yet I left the church congregation in 9th grade after being confirmed. I haven’t stayed connected to that community and the people from then. I miss the community and social aspects there way back then and how my family was so together and a part of it. Since then I have been connected with 3 other spiritual communities. Each brought some form of I-Thou spirituality forward for me. I’ve been considering creating a local community practice to make room for sharing in a way that welcomes shadow work, meditation, group prayer, celebration, music, dance, play, food/socializing/games, and philosophy.

Are you looking for a I-Thou space that is big enough for Integral? Have you explored Integral Church? Check out Joran Oppelts Facebook group. Or have you read Tom Threshers book Reverent Irrevence? Or Paul Smith’s book Integral Christianity? How about have you read Cohering the Integral We-space?

Dear @Eric_Grace,
Thanks for sharing your experience and your journey. I have been making an effort lately to stay connected to my Christian buddies by attending the occasional church service and last week I actually made it to my Small (mens’) Group. I do miss their friendship and also don’t want them to think that because my beliefs have changed I also need to change my friends or that I think I’m better than them.
However it becomes exhausting attending church, small group, interfaith gatherings and now I’ve been to my first meeting with Sydney Integrals. Sydney Integrals are in their infancy and haven’t evolved yet to a formal format or venue yet. They have a Facebook group.

I’m going to be sharing my Integral learnings at my interfaith group in April. Should be interesting.

I feel we all have a drive to gather together with people of similar beliefs for acceptance and mutual support…and a few laughs.

I have Paul Smiths book next on my list. I’ll take a look at those two other suggestions. Thanks for those.

I wish you luck starting up an Integral gathering. .

#infinitelove …Peter

Hi Peter, sorry it took me a while to see this. Recently I learned about the Integral Christian Network. They have We-space gatherings exploring Christian Mysticism and We-space practices. I thought you might be interested as well:

I have been in a men’s group for the past 12 years and found a lot of wonderful shared moments there.

Have you heard of clubhouse? There is an integral leadership group that I participate in on Wednesday and Sundays that I have found really enjoyable as well. I can share a link to that as well. Let me know if you are on clubhouse.

Thinking of myself as a child, I had faith about specific things because I was taught to have faith in those specific things.
As an adult, I had faith in different things at different periods of time.

One curious thought I have - do you miss having faith, or being devoted to your faith?
I ask because I might venture that many people actually benefit from faith + devotion to something greater than themselves rather than “just” faith alone.
In many cases faith does lead to devotion, but it isn’t necessary for devotion to something greater.
Oh, wow. I just saw the date on this post, lol.