How many here have gone through challenges dealing with individuals at Red?

How many here have gone through, what’s commonly called narcissistic abuse? Trying to find out people got to Integral

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When dealing with red the number 1 rule is “keep your safety as the priority”. Of course there is inherent risk interacting with red, but recklessnes should be avoided. If the threat is physical harm, physical barriers or distance are necessary. If the threat is psychological, psychological barriers and psychological distance (opposite of intimacy) are necessary. Being emotionally intimate while being emotionally abused is similar to stepping into the house of a violent repeat offender.
It may be the person at red will remain at red forever. They may be wounded in a way that cant be healed.
Recently i caught a wild cat that i knew could never be a house cat. It had just suffered too much fear from humans to ever heal completely. I relocated it to a colony away from family homes. It was attacking the spayed and neutered cats in the area and their safety was more important than him staying.
Some humans are like this as well. They may belong in an institution but roam free because of bureacracy.
On the specific matter of dealing with naccisists, this is a more advanced matter. Just as safely working with a physically violent offender requires physical training, working with a narcisist requires some degree of advanced training. Even moreso because the narcisist often feeds off of the “untrained” trying to rescue / save them.
This desire to save people even when being psychologically harmed by them (if it happens) would need to be addressed / healed first. The only other real safe option is distance.

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Thanks for the reply Ray, I just got back from a trip will reply more at length soon

I spent the decade of my 20s in so-called relationship with a narcissist. Definitely a learning experience.

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Wow ok thank you Karen