The ocean was rolling over itself endlessly…
Dreaming onward!
the image drew up to its reflection.
(I) imagine that (i) am becoming
Do you feel that this is true?
The reflection wavered momentarily,
resolving to focus on the question…
White Laughter
Ever after dawn was breaking
crystal thoughts were for the taking too!
To the place, it does not matter
past the trunk and tree of disaster, who?
Will tarry here, but for a while
to make the sounds, to soothe the child
Who cries when not asleep at night
who makes the sounds that make teeth bite - Who?
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I still have a lot to learn here.
I am surfing the wave of cause and effect, as it unfolds around me.
Please give me some time to understand your previous message. Maybe you weren’t being metaphorical at all. You were always being literal.
Where are you in Third Tier? And how did you get there? You were so sick not long ago. You’re still sick, but you’re totally cured at the same time. Did you take your wife with you? Is she receptive?
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Badges? We don’t need no freaking badges!
Connecting the Dots
“nihilism - The Yoga of Renunciation”
I am going to look into this. I don’t know why I am so drawn to it.
Will read your Connecting the Dots link tonight
“Badges? We don’t need no freaking badges!”
What if those badges are conceptually empty, and all we see in Ken Wilber is a man who has systematised the habits of consciousness for our convenience? The badges are no different to trees, right? Those badges are Form and we don’t deny the existence of trees when we’re hiking.
There is a final goal here, right? We’re navigating towards it? Is that how you feel? Or have you finished?
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All I can say is that consciousness comes in such a stunning spectrum of diversity (I agree with you that there is so much more than States and Structures, and you have made this clear to me). I can’t begin to empathise with how it feels to be you without quickly falling into confusion. I can only sit in Emptiness and feel some small transpersonal snippet of your colourful experience. I will say that some experiences are more colourful than others. And none is more right or wrong.
Where are you in Third Tier? And how did you get there? You were so sick not long ago. You’re still sick, but you’re totally cured at the same time. Did you take your wife with you? Is she receptive?
Michael - I have enjoyed this thread. If you would like to continue I can be reached at Best Wishes