Hi All,
I have quite a bit of drama going on in my otherwise totally carefree life. And it’s all caused by meditation. (I only meditate a couple of minutes per day now, as the aftereffects are too intense.)
As far as I can tell, I now have three forms of suffering. In order of rank, from most to least, they are as follows:
1. Fear of loss of control / confusion (big issue).
Fear of death (minor issue that seems to have cropped up).
Fear of not finding a soulmate (very minor issue–shadow material being sorted).
NB. Third eye is open, but possibly migrating north.
I’m not so much interested in discussing Points 2 and 3. I am just supplying those fears so that others may judge me and get some context as to what state / structure I’m at, and whether those dysfunctions might be co-contributing to Point 1.
So, my big issue is loss of control, which comes in two parts:
Part A: My identity is totally confused right now, and I feel like I’m not in control of it. Am I the expansive infinite awareness, which seems to be growing more and more potent every time I meditate; or am I literally the outside world? My identity seems to be torn between the two on a near-permanent basis, and it’s a source of frequent suffering.
Part B: Following from Part A, I have this growing feeling that I am the literal cause of my entire experience. For instance, when I sit in infinite awareness, a type of nonduality occurs whereby I am 100% sure that the total sum of my experience is me. I am the originator of everything that I see, feel, touch, taste, hear, think, etc. The origin is not the outside world, it’s me (whatever I am–refer to my confusion at Part A). And this causes further confusion in me, because it seems that I can, in theory, induce any emotion I want, right? I can see whatever I want to see. But then this doesn’t seem right. Surely there is an independent outside world that contributes, at least in part, to my lived experience, right?
I would be most appreciative of any help I can receive. Or perhaps there are some other online forums that handle these types of Tier 3 dysfunctions, or real-world organisations? I live in Australia but I am happy to travel internationally if it would benefit my situation.
Of course, if I asked these types of questions to a mainstream mental health worker I would likely find myself on antipsychotic medication and possibly in a mental institution. I simply cannot talk about these types of issues with anyone in my life.
Kind regards,