“So Kapernick sucks yet you’re still propagating that he’s been deplatformed by your Qanon conspiracy.”
Like I said, I was posting examples of the right (and Trump himself, along with Tucker, Hannity, etc.) engaging in cancel culture, along with numerous other examples. Again, it doesn’t matter whether or not it worked. It still happened. Cancel culture is the product of the Amber stage of development – if it makes us uncomfortable or goes against our way of thinking, we censor it. Like Toni Morrison.
“Just how long will you keep riding the Trump Train?”
As long as he is no longer a serious contender for 2024, and as long as the GOP continues to lie about the election results in order to delegitimize our elections and consolidate power.
“You do realize Demented Joe is Prez now with Kackles, the least popular candidate the DNC has ever fielded, waiting to step up. Seriously Corey, this is pure Left Wing political garbage you have as an underlying context.”
I love how these two sentences follow each other, without any drop of irony.
“Have you not been listening to 10M’s of people? Perhaps killing babies is not as much a settled question as you attempt to portray? Would someone at an Integral altitude attempt to gaslight 10M’s with this “its settled already” or perhaps attempt to sense, hear, understand, include even if their views differ from your own?”
The Roe vs. Wade status quo was the best possible compromise between all views at this time. Ken himself agrees with this view, for whatever that is worth to you. And Texas decided to rip it to shreds by turning to vigilantism, while the conservative-dominated court stood by and watched (conservative-dominated, despite the GOP winning only a single popular vote since 1992).
“I’m still looking for an answer to how Integral Theory made the leap from great in my opinion historical map development to avant-garde socio-political prognostication predictor.”
Straw man.
"Instead of “critical theory"ing my “totalitarian Marxist plots that I think integral thinkers support”, how about instead of looking at what exists today to find whats Integral?”
I mean, you constantly accuse myself, our contributors, and our community of being Marxist, Maoist, collectivists, authoritarians, etc. This is your opportunity to substantiate your claim.
But to answer your question, there’s not much Integral out there at the moment. It remains a very small “cognitive minority”. However, the larger teal discussion space is beginning to open up quite a bit, as we see in communities such as Rebel Wisdom and Meta-Modernism.
“Seems the Integral community continues with an ongoing cataloging of everything that actually exists then casts as outdated, defunct, likely an Existential (as in Extinction) Threat and of course an impediment to the Integral Noosphere that’s been concocted.”
Your perception is coming from a misreading of Integral. The “prime directive” of integral, as it were, is to “deliver the most depth to the most span” — which means helping people be healthy and happy wherever they happen to be, so that they can continue to naturally grow and awaken according to their own rhythm, rather than forcing people to grow or awaken. This is the compassionate side of the integral heart. However, this sort of developmental acceptance sits alongside an understanding that different stages are better equipped to manage different levels of complexity, and that managing complex problems often requires new ideas, new solutions, and new systems. This is the wisdom side of the integral heart, capable of discerning depth and creating skillfully appropriate interventions.
All of which means, Integral thinkers want a healthy and strong amber stage, capable of helping people cultivate a common identity and bond, populated by real-world communities such as churches, social clubs, YMCA’s, athletics, etc, with healthy amber values operating within these communities. We want this amber to regulate the unhealthy red excesses that inevitably occur within our society.
And Integral thinkers want a healthy and strong orange stage, guided by reason, capable of worldcentric values and universal ethics, driven by ambition and discovery and innovation. And these should also be populated by real world institutions – media, educational, economic, scientific, etc. We want this orange to regulate the unhealthy amber excesses that inevitably occur within our society.
And integral thinkers want healthy and strong green stage, helping us to differentiate objective reality from our social constructs, to recognize and address the many forms of historic and ongoing oppression, and to expand our sphere of self-interest to include animals and the environment itself. We want this green to regulate the unhealthy orange excesses that inevitably occur within our society.
And integral thinkers want healthy, strong, and vibrant teal/turquoise stage, guided by comprehensive meta-theoretical psycho-social-spiritual maps that can help us begin closing the gaps between all these previous stages, to reconcile multiple conflicting views and perspectives, and to possess the post-post-conventional wherewithal to discern the right kinds of solutions for the right kinds of problems. We want the fullest possible spectrum of human beings engaged in our society, each with its own natural path to fulfillment, and each with its own natural path to grow into the next stage. Sometimes this means maintaining and even safeguarding systems we already have. Sometimes this means improving those systems. Sometimes it means scrapping those systems and replacing them with something better, more effective, more humane, more sustainable, etc. But one thing remains true – we always want to govern from the highest possible stage.
“I’ll start with perhaps what might seem a trite example that might be a basic example of a common thread within society that creates bonds within society. It’s football (and basketball) season right now.”
Do you really think integral thinkers want to eliminate something like sports? There is a place for everything, both in the world and in ourselves. Sports are tremendously valuable to society, to growth, to health, and so forth. And, as we have talked about many times on this site, the field is one of the most common places for spiritual experiences to occur — though the athletes who are accessing these states usually don’t think of them in those terms.
“What would be lost if we eliminate systems for athletes, journalists, politicians, technologists, authors, philosophers and would this make us higher altitude on the Integral hierarchy?”
It would be devastating, of course. Which its why no integral thinker would ever advocate for something like that. Not only would it be injurious to particular stages of development, it would destroy the entire “conveyor belt” altogether, making later stages like integral all the more rare.
This is one of the things that drives me insane about the woke/CRT dismissal of Orange emergents such as objectivity, neutrality, etc. They aren’t just trying to fix the unhealthy surface structures and residues that came with Orange, which I would and do support. But they are also rejecting the fundamental deep structures of Orange. When unhealthy Green deconstructs Orange, there’s no way for people to get to Green any more, and everyone falls back to Amber (which, as it turns out, was largely responsible for the unhealthy Orange surface structures they wanted to fix in the first place). It becomes a self-cancelling ideology.
So yes, sports can stay. And it’s a great example — we demand that our sporting competitions are conducted fairly and that everyone is literally on a level playing field, and we invest a ton of resources to regulate the game accordingly. And so we should with our politics, our policing, our justice systems, our healthcare, our economy, etc.