Integral Astrology: An updated version without Pre/Trans Fallacy

Hello folks, I’m glad to greet you.

I’d very much like to share this essay I’ve made about Integral Astrology, which I really think is groundbreaking because it integrates the very best of contemporary scientific, philosophical and spiritual knowledge, without falling prey to the ‘Pre/Trans Fallacy’.

I really hope you give it a try and possibly even enjoy it:

My best wishes.

Hi Heriberto,

I started reading your text. I find it promising, but I don’t think I have the patience to read it to the end.
I would suggest that we talk on zoom about it, you explain what you are up to as a contribution to That would be great - and don#t get disappointed that nobody answeered to you yet. Astrology and some other topics are still a nono to the integral community which is not as integral as they like to believe of themselves.

Hello Heidi,

I’d very much like to talk about this topic with you. I sincerely like the content that you’re sharing in The Wisdom Factory, and I think that a conversation about Integral Astrology may be a nice complement. To be quite honest, I’m convinced that an updated and corrected astrology is important for anybody, no matter how despised and negated it is by many.

Why don’t you set up a date and time and I’ll adjust my routine accordingly? For this, please contact me at my personal e-mail and we’ll catch up in there:

My best regards

Hey Scorpio luisferic, I’m an Aquarian, still waiting on my Age to dawn. Any insight into when that might happen? :slightly_smiling_face:

I actually have two friends who are astrologers, one in the Vedic tradition, one doing western astrology. Between the two of them, I hear things…

I hear there is something important happening in January, the “Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn,” and that these tense months in world events are prelude to that “transit.” Do you have an understanding of this you’d like to share? I don’t mean to put you on the spot, so no pressure.

I very briefly scanned your article. What popped out at me is that someone has actually written a book (or was it just an article, by A. Diaz?) called “Integral Astrology.” I saw a passage you quoted in which terms like “conventional” and “postconventional Orange and Green” were used. Very interesting.

Kudos to you for at least attempting a treatise on two subjects you’re obviously very passionate about, integralism and astrology. As I said in the other topic at this site on astrology, I think astrology can be and is viewed by some people as a typology (as it provides a framework of “types,” as in quadrants/stages/states/lines/types). What do you think?

Hi LaWanna,

Thanks for reading my text, it’s nice to know there’s more people trying to integrate this stuff :slight_smile:

As for your corcern on when will the Aquarian age dawn, I can tell you it is an issue that’s still under discussion because it depends on the astronomical equation being used. But to be honest, this is not a topic that I know in detail, so I prefere not to give my own “calculation”. Subjectively speaking, though, I really hope your Age will come and you’ll find more peace.

On other things, I do very much want to give you my opinion on that Saturn-Pluto conjunction. And by the way, I don’t take it as me being put on the spot, since this is something that actually has some good evidence and is not solely based on my fascination about the topic. And it would actually be very nice if more people knew about it.

I personally recommend studying the book ‘Cosmos and Psyche’, written by the excelent scholar Richard Tarnas, in which he recounts several major historical moments that correlated with certain specific planetary alignments. And as a matter of fact, when Pluto and Saturn align in some way there tend to occur certain series of crisis and contractions, represented for example by more bloody wars or political and ideological polarisations.

On the other hand, and avoiding (oh so common) reductionist and apocalyptical interpretations, the positive potential of the archetypal complex associated with Saturn-Pluto alignments is, as Tarnas put it, “inextricably intertwined with confronting its negative manifestations: moral discernment and wisdom born from difficult experience and suffering; fortitude and courageous acts of will in the face of darkness, evil, danger, and death; a capacity for sustained effort and determination; disciplined control of intense energies both inner and outer. Generally speaking, the Saturn-Pluto complex appeared to press the psyche, individual or collective, towards the forging of a deeper and stronger structure of moral consciousness”.

So that’s my take on the issue. I certainly think that we’re living quite a bit of those crisis and polaritasions right now. I also think that the next American presidential election will be critical in balancing (or disbalancing) this stuff. But only time will tell.

Finally, as for my take on astrology as a typology system, I think it is THE typology system par excellence, succesfully integrating (in my opinion) the best attributes from the Myer-Briggs and the Enneagram. Psychologist and statistician Michel Gauquelin used to called it the “Rorschach Test of humanity”. There’s an enormous potential in this area for human research, in my opinion.

I hope that was useful to you. And if you have something particular to share, you can contact me at my personal e-mail:

My best wishes.

Hi LaWanna, I’m happy that I came across this discussion, and that you’ve heard of my book, Integral Astrology. It is a book, so it’s not easy to summarize in short post, but my thesis is that astrology has moved through the various stages from Purple to Green over time, and that each form of astrology resonates best with folks (or questions and concerns from folks) that are coming from a given stage.

Thus, for someone bringing an Amber issue to the table or coming from an Amber worldview, a rigidly predictable form of astrology might very well work, while for Orange or Green perspectives a more choice-oriented form of astrology would be needed. Conventional thinking leads to “what’s going to happen?” questions, Post-Conventional perspectives ask “What can I do?” and eventually, “What does this mean?”

A truly Integral Astrology (or astrologer) would be able to shift among the various stages as needed, while perhaps trying to coax folks a little higher than their initial concern.

Hi Armand,
I don’t know why I was surprised that there is a book on Integral astrology; Integralism is creeping into lots of nooks and crannies, and apparently so is astrology. Somewhere around 30% of people purport to believe in astrology, according to an article I read, which is more than there are members in mainstream Protestant churches. I posted the link to that article elsewhere but will post it here in case you’re interested

The article is by David Brooks and he quotes research by Tara Isabella Burton. You can read her interesting article here Apparently, Wicca together with neo-pagan traditions is the fastest growing religion in America. Upsides and downsides to that, but when traditionalists/conservatives say that progressives have no religion, it’s simply not true. While the religions they’ve chosen may be self-serving, as Brooks maintains, I think the same can be said about some of the traditional amber-mythic religions.

Anyway, congratulations on your book, and efforts to “coax folks a little higher in their initial concern.” We certainly need that.