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“Hi! I’m Namal and if you’re looking to integrate vertically AND horizontally, I AM your guy! I’m a Teal looking for my Turquoise”

This post was inspired by the funny clip below. The two websites are ones I came across a few months ago.


Here’s the funny clip of Bryan Cranston, Eddie Redmayne & Benedict Cumberbatch. We can make up something like this ha ha

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Namal, that was really funny. What happens when two oranges meet each other?

I mentioned to Charlie that you might want to be in his next book group if he does one. You guys may already know each other but I wanted to give you a heads up.

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Thanks! Well if they’re healthy Orange they’ll start cooperating, otherwise one will try to eat the other. By Charlie do you mean Charles Marxer?

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Yes. It was in one of the threads you read, I believe about Joe Biden. The two Conans don’t seem to have much to prove and they are so unlike each other that they would be a good movie pair.

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Ahnuhld is going to PUMP YOU UP!

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