Integral Dating & Relationships “Ad”

“Hi! I’m Namal and if you’re looking to integrate vertically AND horizontally, I AM your guy! I’m a Teal looking for my Turquoise”

This post was inspired by the funny clip below. The two websites are ones I came across a few months ago.


Here’s the funny clip of Bryan Cranston, Eddie Redmayne & Benedict Cumberbatch. We can make up something like this ha ha


Namal, that was really funny. What happens when two oranges meet each other?

I mentioned to Charlie that you might want to be in his next book group if he does one. You guys may already know each other but I wanted to give you a heads up.

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Thanks! Well if they’re healthy Orange they’ll start cooperating, otherwise one will try to eat the other. By Charlie do you mean Charles Marxer?

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Yes. It was in one of the threads you read, I believe about Joe Biden. The two Conans don’t seem to have much to prove and they are so unlike each other that they would be a good movie pair.

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Ahnuhld is going to PUMP YOU UP!

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That integralsingles site CAN’T be real! I’m afraid to register! I’ve been burned too many times.

I get a warning from google for that site.

I said YOLO and registered anyway, but the integralsingles website is broken. The registration email doesn’t send. Sad face. I wanted Second Tier girwfwend. Looks like they need an integral web developer. Such as myself. I really just wanted to see if there were any real people whatsoever on the site, or if it was just going to be unThinkMe and hoe_math.

UPDATE: Nope, I’m in. It just took a long time! There’s like eight women here. I’m in! Sayonara suckers!

UPDATE UPDATE: Nope nope, it looks like there’s a pay wall in order to do anything and these women are suspicious looking. I’m voting scam again. If anyone is actually using this site succesfully, let me know. I’ve put too much time in already. :rofl:

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Congrats! I’ll join you. Maybe need to spontaneously change sex to make things work? :joy:

Life uh ah uh finds a way…

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Ha ha yup! Seriously though I have high hopes for the site and am going to go back to it to really test it.

Just checked in. Apparently, people are viewing my profile. There are actual humans on it. If you live in a major city, you miiiiight get a date out of it. I’ll try chatting with someone and see what happens.

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Yeh, you can’t really do much without paying. I have “10 credits”. It’s unclear whether I ever get more without paying. I should be able to send a message with my 10 credits, but it won’t let me because it’s buggy. People who start apps and websites will fail if they don’t understand that you have to prove that you offer a consistent deliverable before the user hits the pay wall. Notice that practically all enormously successful apps and platforms started out as ridiculously free and it was unclear how they could ever monetize, and then they offered some paid and ad features to stay afloat, and only then when they were household names do they start getting ridiculous and becoming pretty much a waste of time. It’s that sweet spot in the middle. Hipsters know about it.

Frankly, I deleted my Hinge account because I have better odds approaching strangers and meeting people in random contexts. Same with this thing. If I’m looking for Level 7 romance, I think the dominant strat is to be active in whatever Integral community exists locally or online. To whit, I just started an Integral Facebook meetup group in my town. NOT FOR DATING. But… you know. It’s not not for dating, either.

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Unfortunately the “sweet spot in the middle” is a time in the past. The key word is “monetization”. The platform that is able to monetize it’s users the most will have higher profits, and therefore attract more investors. More investors being attracted attracts more investors and then you get into the stage of the tech biz where actually providing anything to a customer is beside the point.

  • Identify a need or desire in a target audience
  • Advertise and suggest that you can fulfill that need or desire
  • Monetize the hell out of the customer and nickle and dime them that the next purchase will be the one to make the difference
  • Never fulfill the customers’ desires or needs, but instead suggest a higher level of purchase

From dating sites to computer games to software to AI to everything.

Just hand over your money and dont think to hard about it. The next purchase will solve the problem.

I agree that meeting lots of people to do or discuss shared interests is the best way to find a romantic partner as well as have a good time if you don’t.

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Sure that’s assuming you have any customers.

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That was a legitimate website started by Martin Ucik after he wrote his Integral Relationships book. It never got popular though there were some successes. Like all singles websites, it suffered from a high fraction of inactive profiles. I was on there for a while but there was no one else who lived any where near me.