Integral Proximate Books

I have been noticing some books recently that have reminded me of Integral Theory. When I’ve checked the bibliography and index I’ve found few, or no references to the usual Integral or Development Theory writers. I think it might be intersteding to start a thread with a list of those books on the edge of Integral to raise our awareness of Integral and developmental thinking going on. I will start it off with a few suggestions:

Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos, by M.Mitchell Waldrop. I listened to the audiobook, not the best way to take in challenging material. It tells the story of Complexity theory alongside the story of the Sante Fe Institute. I kept thinking they should have an Integralist on their faculty.

This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution, by David Sloan Wilson. From the Amazon review, "according to David Sloan Wilson, the Darwinian revolution won’t be truly complete until it is applied more broadly—to everything associated with the words “human,” “culture,” and “policy.” That’s how I read it.


David Sloan Wilson has had at least two conversations with Ken Wilber. Here’s the link to one of them:,Everyone%20Is%20Right%20on%20desktop%20and%20mobile.