Heya folks, really interested to hear peoples perspectives on therapy, be it lived experience or theories.
I’ve often wondered if certain emotional expression comes online at integral. I think a good chunk of my battles come fighting green altitude. I find the lower ones tend to be simpler for me to read and appreciate albeit family members at lower can be frustrating at times (blue, orange etc) and one of the most useful theories is something like spiral dynamics to actually quantify what level their base is at so not dispappointed hoping they can understand something that will only be a peak experience.
It occurs to me that many emotions, or perhaps intensities of them seem to come more online at integral. Anger and shame for example. The acceptance of hierarchy in the world is obviously a huge one. The increased requirement to appreciate the objective world, that facts do in fact matter. More aggression, toughness as well as balancing sensitivity, and actually stepping in to the outside world for a purpose all seem to require a serious energetic boost. Leadership, discernment, ‘this is better than this’ etc. Where green often seems more apathetic and pleasure orientated, at worse everything is relative and meaningless and at times borders on hedonism. At integral things seem to be extremely meaningful at times, sensitive to relative and personal truths as well as big spiritual callings, cultural trends, levels, wars and pathologies.
Another I’ve experience at integral is pain. No small thing it seems to me. Seems to possess alot more room to feel pain, accept and see it as inevitable part of evolutionary growth. Contrary to green which seems rooted in alot of pleasure. There is some dealing with pain but it seems mostly focused with healing the inner child from shame. Which is another point, shame comes on as a valid thing in integral. Green seems to struggle with shame as it goes against the obsession with equality. Shame being there to actually counteract immorality and lack of care.
And the last one which could be just something I struggle with is rage, although I think it is also to do with ferocious protection. It seems a deep primal animal care that goes intimately from protecting people at their most vulnerable to huge injustices that are trends in the outside world. I have my suspiciouns that perhaps it has a flavour of integral only, perhaps it’s the amount of really being able to sit in it which takes alot of mindfulness and care. There is rage in the lower levels but it’s almost a rage based on deep understanding of shadow and interior insight.
Personally, if I’ve heard integral perspectives talking to therapists it seemed like peak experiences because i was momentarily leading, and as soon as that runs out I have entered in to conflicts that didn’t seem remotely beneficial. Sacharine chats that seem to ignore the depths of my pain. And with that a lack of protection.
I remember hearing Dr. Keith saying that sometimes with his clients he will talk to a client and their family/ parents. To make it clear that there is an inevitable stage of anger the client will go through. Such a simple thing is profound. The amount of conflict that must save, either ensuring the client gets a safe space to deal with emotions that are going to be seriously volatile, or makes it much more obvious and quick to recognise abusive parents cannot respect boundaries. Or indeed recognising that such a thing is only a stage, some people still in therapy etc 10 years later ranting about their parents. Protection is a big issue for me and I know I needed someone to take the lead, or at times my inner child needed serious protection in a way I really couldn’t fast enough to fully protect myself. And I’ve only ever heard this from integral mouths.
And with that I suppose my hunch is about the balls to make a discerning judgement. I get the sense at times therapy is lost in the subjective world. I have spoken to some therapists where it sounds as though it is the one opinion vs. another, and everything is a matter of personal responsibility. A huge upper left quadrant bias, and yet not one strong enough to actually stand one’s ground in the real world by your beliefs. You can protect yourself by calmly removing yourself from the situation but you can never fight. Or the need to fight is barely seen. I think there is some joke out there about how much green struggles with red etc. But when you have a vehement force to deal with your own interior will rarely be enough.
Apologies if this is too long, very new to the forum :). It’s a subject I’m passionate about though. So would love any opinions folks have to share.