Integral Well-Being Center

I made a post about an Integral Crisis Response Team at the end of last year and said that I would follow up in 6 months so here I am a month late. My focus has shifted enough that I felt it necessary to start a new topic.

I am looking into what services would be most effective in a well-being center if I started one. I have the most experience in physical fitness and imagine having some kind of gym that would offer traditional weightlifting, cardio, yoga, and pool amenities. My background in psychology and the need for mental health treatment leads me to imagine another section of the center that offers counseling, career services, and development/enrichment classes such as painting, cooking, philosophy, and law. Another section could be for social events involving the community or educational conferences.

I am curious what broad template members think should be used to determine what services to offer and how they would translate into building a well-being center. Integral Life Practice (i.e. Body, Shadow, Sex, Relationships, etc.)? National Wellness Institute?

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This is a great idea Matt! Will respond more deeply later in the day.

Given that the homeless crisis is going to deepen, a homeless shelter is perhaps something you want to integrate. I am currently in one myself, made by the PATH (People Assisting The Homeless) organization here in Southern California. If your experience/expertise is in physical fitness you can include it (we don’t have one here) which would fit into an Integral Shelter. This can also offer job and housing assistance/placement, and other basic services (which the YNC does offered here) but also counseling/therapy (which it does not directly do). I’ve actually been tinkering with this idea of setting something like this up in Sri Lanka. So it’s up to you, it’s a fantastic idea but I’m not sure if this is what you’re imagining or if it’s more or less. Best of luck!

Keep in mind Matt, that if you don’t sufficiently include and transcend, the secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions and will initiate Ghost Protocol.

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I definitely like the idea Namal but it might be out of the scope of what I was envisioning. It’s interesting that you mentioned this area though because people ended up focusing on homelessness in my other post about creating a Crisis Response Team in each community so there seems to be an interest in it on this platform. My hesitation with the issue is that from my brief experience with this population, there are many casual and secondary problems intertwined with homelessness like mental illness, addiction, government policy, poverty, and human nature in general that providing housing doesn’t seem to necessarily help and may even impede the success of that goal.

I feel more confident pursuing a start up that can provide physical fitness, artistic expression, occupational assistance, and other basic measures for a broad population. My understanding is that most businesses fail so I want to give myself the best chance on my first venture because I am very inexperienced and struggle with my own issues at times. Trying to combine all of these measures effectively and efficiently seems to be enough of a complex problem that I don’t know that I would want to add any more factors with the population I deal with as well.

Of course, if someone already had the facility and a business plan ready for such an entity, I would gladly get on board :slight_smile:

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