Welcome excecutive and thanks for the compliment. I am a bit surprised that you find this inspiring and informative. But since sarcasm doesn’t work well online and you read until the end, I will take your word for it. I am interested if you could share something that you learned.
I hope your comment hasn’t brought raybennett back permanently to the stage after his exit earlier. It is probably like in the end of a horror movie (Cape Fear comes to mind) where the psychopath comes back one more time before staying dead.
He has really crossed a line for me by revealing information from what I wrote in a private conversation.
As was often the case he is using this information to paint a partial picture of me. As often, I feel the need to make the picture more complete.
So here is what I wrote to him on february 9:
"Once a day is great. I really appreciate that you are willing to spend some time on this. I will try to keep it short and to the point.
I do have something going on within myself. I think this is going to work only if you let me figure out this myself. If you feel I am projecting things on you please just refute it and don’t redirect it at me or try to analyze me. You [can] however also let me know how it makes you feel.
I like to think that it is not just about me but also about this forum that I care about. Your contribution on the forum is relevant to that so that is why I feel I have to bring this up in our private communication.
Having said this, my most pressing question to you is this. Do you
1)refute the following or
2) are just OK with it or
3) something else
:that you are using straw man arguments on this integral forum.
I want to learn more about my shadows but at that time I already had noticed that raybennett was either very bad at detecting my shadows and analyzing me or was just using it as a strategy. So I wanted to avoid that. This has not improved.
Why would I want to project for example the persecutor on him? As you can see, I really “own” this role, I am really good at it and I even enjoy it sometimes, I can say without shame. Why would I project this aspect of myself on someone who is so pathetic at it, someone who can’t even “man” up to admit he is doing it?
I am no psychologist, but I don’t think this is how this works. If I do project something on raybennett, I would expect it more likely to be something like these:
- the part of myself that wants to shut people up that don’t disagree with me
- the part of me that wants to be able to judge people by their altitude based on reading a few words written in an emotional state
- the part of me that wants to use logical fallacies as an easy way to win an argument
- the part of me that hopes it can get away with lying and distorting the truth on an integral forum
- the part of me that wants to attack people when they show that I have not followed the road rules
- the part of me that wants to blame people instead of taking responsibility for my own actions
- the part of me that wants me to look smart and integral by using fancy terms I do not even have to understand
- the part of me that doesn’t want to admit that I don’t understand something a person is saying and just lets my bias decide
- the part of me that finds it safer to use very vague accusations
- the part of me that wants to insult people and then ask people to not read too much into it
…there is just too much choice
In my language, transactional analysts refer to the persecutor as “aanklager” which translates as “prosecutor”. So let me continue my prosecution.
His defense regarding the straw man accusations is that he didn’t understood what arguments the other person made and that he thought that she was herself straw manning. And that he tried to decipher her to the best of his ability and answer her questions.
I think he is lying.
From his answer “No, that is not Domestic terrorism.” it Is clear that the question he was answering was “Sooo, is that domestic terrorism???”
Is that so hard to decipher? So the statement they were discussing was clear to both. The term “that” obviously referred to Antifa and BLM organizations, there was also no misunderstanding about that.
He could have just left his answer that way. But he chose to make it appear that he was making logical conclusions. By fabricating arguments from something that he calls “a bunch of random wild thoughts”. And then providing an example to show these constructed arguments are wrong.
That is straw manning.