“Making America Whole Again”

As a possible systemic plan is being formulated. I’m playing around with lots of ideas and domain purchases. “Make America Whole Again” just popped in. My intuition says after the IAM Foundation, the next kind of entity will be a PAC or SuperPAC. If we could formulate some kind of integral political platform, then either someone who wants to run for office or is already an integral candidate like Marianne Williamson could use this.


Actually this still feels a little bit Mean Green Meme-y because it’s sort of going against the LL & LR so we ideally don’t want to do that (but also no judgment)

Making America Whole Again sounds better.
08/18/24 update-domain purchased for MakingAmericaWholeAgain.org

Experiment results for a TikTok Promote campaign. $12.48 spent for 1,000 views. Total views 1649. 13 bookmarks which tallied with 13 site visitors to MAAA which redirects to IntegralLife.com

Update 09/14/24:
Of course the USA is not going to become the I.S.A. overnight, nor should it. But if we focus our efforts on all energy in Colorado and all its cities, then it will eventually start to spill over. This would leverage the Integral Institute building, all the Integral members in Colorado and all the other Teal/Turquoise people/energy there. What does everyone feel about this?

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As long as you bought the domain, you might find it useful for something that hasn’t been created yet. I wonder though, in a few years when the Trump nightmare is over, will MAGA still be relevant? Nixon’s “silent majority” was quickly forgotten when Carter won the presidency in what seemed to be a clean, fresh start (is there ever a fresh start)? It’s a great idea but one thing Nixon said that seemed right to me–campaigning is like selling a bar of soap. Rcenty, slogans like Are You Better Off than You Were Four Years Ago, A New Morning in America, A Thousand Points of Light, It’s the Economy Stupid, Yes We Can, and the old chestnuts Tippecanoe and Tyler Too (nightmare time) and A Chicken in Every Pot, an Automobile in Every Garage have all faded into obscurity. Just asking in a gentle way.

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Hi, yes that’s what I was thinking as well. As long as I own the domain and trademark (which I’d have to pay for) then either I could use it or sell it or license it to someone. Creativity might still improve on the name to try and be Indigo/Turquoise yet still ethnocentric in span (USA & territories). As for MAGA, that form of Red will still be there for a while but their influence will wane as everyone from Orange keeps moving up. As they integrate they’ll have a more compassionate view of Red which in turn would give them a chance to “moving on up! To the Eastside!” :slight_smile:

Update 09/18/24:
What about MakingOurselvesWholeAgain.org?

Too long?

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It’s your project and I am sure you will find a dead on name. “Now” is a powerful ad word, so maybe IntegralNow! Just thinking.

I just noted all the screens you added. Looks good!

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Two things:
“Make America Whole Again” is a phase that has current relevance but most likely not so much in 5 years. With phases that are trendy you have to cash in quickly. As time goes by such terms lose their value. For example, Imagine I made a clever variation of “Tea Party”. Well, nobody cares about the Tea Party now - they all moved to MAGA. MAGA will morph into something else yet to be determined.
Trade name squatting (see trade name vs trade mark) is problematic. In order to have a legally binding case, you have to actually be using the trade name. I am actually currently working to take over a Trade name that has been abandoned. There is actually a question of who owns the name. One man registered it and it was then used by the org that he formed. He left the org and they moved to a different area of interest. All the registrations for this name were done by him and are long dead links. This org could possibly say it still belonged to hthem - if they had been using the name, but they are not.


Yes that’s very true. I’ll keep working on it, a better name will come up.

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I don’t know how this org is set up, but wouldn’t be helpful if you worked with Corey Devos. He seems to be the go to guy who puts together all (most?) of the video material and could be of great assistance.

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Hi, yes, well it’s not an official organization yet, I just bought the domain. If I do proceed then yes of course I’ll be coordinating with Corey/the movement