More Than an Infomercial: What's New at Integral Life

Originally published at:

Today I’m joined by Corey DeVos, editor-in-chief of Integral Life. I invited him on because my job is highlighting the emergence of integral consciousness, and I have been really impressed with the stuff Corey and company are putting out these days. (Plus they host my live show twice a week, and I want them to know I love them!)

_Dear Ken, Corey and community, greetings from Clovelly Cape Town, and many thanks for multiple discussion groups and not less than 5 Ken volumes gratefully read. After months in Religion of Tomorrow, in the Miscellaneous elements, I think I may have a positive perspective to contribute.

As a marine biologist (MSc. UCT) I spent some time at sea measuring the thermocline (temperature gradient at various depths) off the west coast of South Africa, and agree with an acquaintance and prof. of Oceanography, that given the vagries of wind and consequent currents, the temperature / CO2 equilibria both at the sea surface and on the sea-bed where dissolved CO2 is in equilibrium with solid carbonates, are anything but understood, but probably more stable than sometimes suggested.

As Marco Morani, Patrick Moore and others have pointed out the earth has had CO2 levels as high as 7000 ppm or at least 2000 ppm in relatiively recent times so our current 400 ppm level may very well not be a problem, despite IPCC reports.

Surely we can up the chances of getting through this temp/CO2 global challenge from 50 to the late 90’s without fear or carbon sequestration.

Khotsong (Peace) and blessings,

Oliver Centurier-Harris

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