Our AI chatbot is now live

Hey everyone, just a heads up that logged-in users now have full access to our Integral AI Assistant, HOLO. You can find it in the lower-right corner of the page.

She’s getting smarter all the time, though she still sometimes says some fairly dumb things. She still likes to invent hyperlinks to content that does not exist, for example.

However, I did just teach her how to help you create polarity maps, which is pretty cool. Try asking her “Can you create a polarity map for ____ vs. ____?”

For example:

Can you create a polarity map for freedom vs. security?
Can you create a polarity map for fragility vs. resilience?
Can you create a polarity map for decentralization vs. centralization?

Give it a shot, and let me know in the comments below how it works! You can also report any “blind spots” where the bot may need a bit more training.


Thanks Corey. I figure this is not a coincidence that you put the link in the lower-right corner :wink:

Q: Create a polarity map between human and computer intelligence

AI: Great question! To create a polarity map between human and computer intelligence, we can follow the steps outlined in the Polarity Management technique by Barry Johnson and Beena Sharma.

  1. Identify the issue or topic you want to explore: Human and computer intelligence.
  2. Determine whether your topic represents an integrated polarity or just one of the poles in the polarity: This topic represents an integrated polarity.
  3. Identify the complementary poles associated with that polarity:

Pole #1: Human Intelligence

  • Positives: Creativity, intuition, empathy, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and critical thinking.
  • Negatives: Limited memory capacity, prone to biases and errors, and limited processing speed.

Pole #2: Computer Intelligence

  • Positives: High processing speed, vast memory capacity, accuracy, and ability to perform repetitive tasks without getting tired.
  • Negatives: Lack of creativity, intuition, empathy, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and critical thinking.
  1. Identify the integrated polarity name: Human-Computer Intelligence Integration.
  2. Identify the unintegrated polarity name: Human-Computer Intelligence Disintegration.

By creating this polarity map, we can see that both human and computer intelligence have their strengths and weaknesses. However, by integrating the two, we can create a more comprehensive and effective form of intelligence. This integration can lead to the development of artificial intelligence that can work alongside human intelligence to solve complex problems and create innovative solutions.

It makes practical and poetic sense! That’s always a good combination :slight_smile:

That’s a pretty solid response! The polarity maps have been a bit inconsistent for me, but it’s getting closer.

Not so easy to troll …

Q: Create a polarity map between Donald Trump and Barack Obama.

AI: I’m sorry, but I cannot create a polarity map between Donald Trump and Barack Obama. Polarity maps are typically used to explore tensions between two interdependent and complementary poles, and it would not be appropriate to create a polarity map between two individuals. Additionally, Integral Theory emphasizes the importance of transcending political polarization and recognizing the value of multiple perspectives. Instead, I can suggest exploring Integral Life’s content on Integral Politics, which offers a more nuanced and integral approach to political issues. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Very cool stuff Corey.

What practices should I be doing to increase my integral embodiment?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as everyone’s Integral Life Practice will look different depending on their unique needs and goals. However, a good place to start is by identifying the gaps in your current situation and filling those gaps by adding new practices. You can find an entire library of self-directed and live community practices on the Practice page of the Integral Life website. Additionally, Full Spectrum Mindfulness is a great spiritual practice that combines mindfulness with leading-edge discoveries in neuroscience and developmental psychology. You can learn more about it here: https://integrallife.com/full-spectrum-mindfulness-web-course.

Help me identify any potential gaps please.

Sure! To identify the gaps in your current Integral Life Practice, you can start by comparing what you are already doing with the practices offered on the live practice calendar and self-directed practice pages on the Integral Life website. Ask yourself, which of the Four Core Modules (Body, Mind, Spirit, and Shadow) have you been overlooking? For instance, if you are already meditating regularly, but tend to avoid physical exercise, you might benefit from adding some weightlifting or yoga to your practice. Or, if you are very physically active, regularly engaging in rock climbing, tennis, and yoga, you might enjoy spending an evening or more a week in silent contemplation.

 How can I increase my embodiment of the purple stage in spiral dynamics?

To increase your embodiment of the Purple stage in Spiral Dynamics, you might consider incorporating practices that help you connect with your primal, instinctual nature. Here are some suggestions:

  • Spend time in nature: Spending time in nature can help you connect with the natural world and tap into your primal instincts. Consider going for a hike, camping, or simply spending time in a park or garden.

  • Engage in creative expression: The Purple stage is associated with creativity and imagination. Engaging in creative expression, such as drawing, painting, or writing, can help you tap into this aspect of yourself.

  • Explore your ancestral roots: The Purple stage is also associated with a deep connection to one’s ancestral roots. Consider exploring your family history, learning about your cultural heritage, or engaging in rituals or traditions that connect you to your ancestors.

  • Engage in ritual or ceremony: The Purple stage is associated with ritual and ceremony. Consider creating your own rituals or participating in traditional ceremonies that connect you with your primal nature.

Remember that the goal of an Integral Life Practice is not to get stuck in any one stage of development, but rather to develop greater awareness and integration of all stages. So while it’s important to honor and explore the Purple stage, it’s also important to continue to develop and integrate the other stages as well.


  Suggest 10 game mechanics that would involve integral theory? For example the quadrants.

Sure, here are 10 game mechanics that could involve integral theory:

[I trimmed it’s output otherwise would be super long.]

  1. Quadrant-based decision-making: Players must make decisions that take into account all four quadrants (UL, UR, LL, LR) in order to progress through the game.

For example -

Character creation: When creating a character, players must make decisions that take into account all four quadrants. For example, they might choose a physical appearance (UR), a personality trait (UL), a cultural background (LL), and a profession (LR).

  1. Upper Left (UL): The Upper Left quadrant represents the individual interior, including thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. When creating a character, players might choose a personality trait (e.g. introverted, empathetic, analytical) that reflects their character’s internal experience. They might also choose a backstory that explains their character’s motivations and values.

  2. Upper Right (UR): The Upper Right quadrant represents the individual exterior, including physical appearance and abilities. When creating a character, players might choose a physical appearance (e.g. tall, muscular, scarred) that reflects their character’s external appearance. They might also choose a profession (e.g. warrior, mage, healer) that reflects their character’s abilities and skills.

  3. Lower Left (LL): The Lower Left quadrant represents the collective interior, including culture, values, and beliefs. When creating a character, players might choose a cultural background (e.g. tribal, urban, religious) that reflects their character’s collective experience. They might also choose a moral code (e.g. honor, justice, compassion) that reflects their character’s values and beliefs.

  4. Lower Right (LR): The Lower Right quadrant represents the collective exterior, including systems, structures, and institutions. When creating a character, players might choose a faction (e.g. guild, kingdom, rebellion) that reflects their character’s place in the game world. They might also choose a weapon or tool (e.g. sword,

If I can ask Corey without giving away any of Integral Life’s secret sauce how you folks are using chat gpt in a fashion that has it hold integral perspective?

Having blasted it for quite a while with questions and ideas it is really good. If I had some small feedback would just be the UI, an ability to maximise the view given gpt can be verbose and the window is really rather small.

If I can ask Corey without giving away any of Integral Life’s secret sauce how you folks are using chat gpt in a fashion that has it hold integral perspective?

I am using an embeddable chatbot app that allows me to do the following:

  • Set the “personality” of the chatbot every time it is loaded (e.g. “You are the smart and spiritual Integral theory and practice AI assistant. You are capable of answering in-depth integral questions…” etc.
  • Set the basic “rules” or parameters of engagement. (e.g. “Help lead users to any integral concepts or content pieces that may be relevant to the discussion.”)
  • Train the AI by linking it to a custom spreadsheet where I have assembled a comprehensive taxonomy of integral terms and concepts, as well as some custom pdf uploads for further training.
  • I am also trying to create a series of methodological logics to allow the bot to help apply any number of integral lenses to a given topic. Some of these it can do natively (such as a basic Four Quadrant mapping), some need to be more carefully tuned (such as the 8 zones of IMP, polarity mapping, etc.)

I am glad the bot is giving you some good responses! Mine have also been pretty good, though I notice that she kind of loses the plot sometimes, and I’ve even had her completely invent links on the site to content pieces that do not exist, and have never existed LOL Such is the challenge of working with a language model that has no actual “understanding” or capacity for abstracted world models!

Hello @corey-devos , Thank you very much for this and all the work you are doing for this community. I was wondering if you could guide me a little bit more on the process you went through with this new project? This is based on an OpenAi product?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi Lexa, thanks for the kind words. Yes this is running off of GPT3.5, and the training vectors that I am creating are being managed by a service called Get Chunky. I hope this helps!

Hi All,
The GBH Forum Network has just released a nuanced discussion of the strengths and potential downsides of ChatGpt and other AI systems. I’m impressed with the overall clarity of the presentation. The link below will get you there if you would like to tune in.

Panelists on the discussion include:
Gary Marcus, scientist, entrepreneur, and author of “Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence we can trust” is Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Neural Science at NYU and host of the podcast Humans versus Machines. Jane Rosenzweig is Director of the Harvard Writing Center, freelance writer and author of Writing Hacks newsletter. Wesley Wildman is a Professor of Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics + Computing & Data Sciences at Boston University… Andrew Kimble, Director of Online Lifelong Learning at BU School of Theology, will act as moderator.

(Bold added)

This struck me as ironic.
Humans are error prone and biased, while computers never make any errors and are unbiased - according to the computer. :joy:

Then there’s the whole thing about processing speed …

Nuances …

The first one was just for fun - to see what the response to an absurd question was and the response seems pretty good.

The one on religion seems a bit tone deaf and inferring that Integral believes Religions manipulate and exploit people - and that an attempt to form a “Religion of Tomorrow” would be for the purpose of exploiting and manipulating others.
Though this could be linked to an evaluation of me personally and linked to my previous question?