Power structures

With recent events, and integral analysis, I wonder if there’s more of a conversation around power.

To give one very brief starting point, a British pathologist made a comment early in the 2020 pandemic, words to the effect that, he used to believe that he lived in a democracy, but has realised that he doesn’t. The reason for his comment was that there was obviously some kind of game going on, whereby our national institutions had been directed to do things which they would not do, were they following their normal sensible process. And that raised the question, who was exercising power—sheer raw power—to make those things happen?

Now, you could question his impression, but as a small supporting example, the world’s foremost expert in evidence based medicine, wrote an article, for the public to read, in plain English, explaining that there wasn’t the evidence to support lockdowns, and that what evidence we did have, showed that the pandemic was really more on the scale of a bad flu season. That’s the world’s leading expert on evidence based medicine, writing in March 2020, drawing on the best available evidence. And let’s say that we can draw two simple conclusions from that, namely 1) he’s obviously much smarter than most people (given his role), but crucially, 2) any government which was choosing a narrative “based on following the science”, COULD have chosen to use the world’s leading expert in evidence based medicine, and based their political actions on that science (casualties similar to bad flu season), but instead the governments chose to use the science from modellers who were, in the UK, predicting half a million dead. And let that sink in, why did they choose that science and not the other science, when BOTH were available narratives? It’s that kind of thing, and various other measures the governments chose to pursue, that led that pathologist to feel that, “we are not in Kansas anymore”.

There’s two aspects to this question, for starters. There’s the “why” and the “who”. The “why” is probably unknown, and really, not something that can be discussed, because you’re into the dynamics of what we can think and construct, what we feel is ok with discussing when we’ve been living in a very loud media environment, with public relations firms and billions spent on influencing public perceptions. So I don’t want to go into that just now, the “why”.

The other part is what I’d like to raise: HOW do our systems work such that national institutions can be skewed into certain courses of action. Likewise, that which is now generating a lot of discourse on social media is the “how” of the Trump assassination attempt. How did someone get to that position? And how did Trump manage to turn his head in that fateful 0.15 seconds?

The question of how in the abstract is simply a question about power. The raw ability to make things happen.

One angle on this is that the issue of power is what’s really “dividing the country”.

And more-so than the vMEMES and altitudes. Yes, I really do get the wonderful integral analysis that Trump (or anyone like him) represents a reset and regression in order to rebuild some of the underlying amber foundations, upon which all higher levels depend, through orange and green, and that the deconstruction of amber has simply done so much damage that SOME kind of reset is needed. So needed is it, that the Kosmic mind had to make a Deus Ex Machina and turn his friggen head at the last possible moment, you might say. But it also highlights something more troubling, something which probably every level from amber to orange to … gosh maybe even green, might find upsetting…

Why and how are national institutions so corrupt?

Think about it. Whilst there are obvious divisions between all the levels in first tier—unable to accept each other as values—when we get to 2nd tier, we start looking for all the good in each value stage, we look for the healthy versions of each level.

But what if power has driven much of the spiral into the UNHEALTHY VERSION OF EACH LEVEL?

That would be a far worse situation than simply the division and splits between levels. Not just a national division because there’s say, healthy green not getting along with healthy orange, but what if the whole spiral becomes “poisoned” (to use an emotive amber word) by corrupt power influences, and so you have a spiral of unchecked red, fascistic amber, greedy orange, and finally mean green as the sick cherry on the cake?

Now that would be a real bad day.

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