Psychological Guidance/ Listings

Hi all,

I wanted to ask if any one in the community could help point me in the direction of a psychologist or something like a listing of practicing integral psychologists (if such a thing does indeed exist) for individual therapy. I am well aware that preference, approach and style can all be very subjective in accordance with need and personal circumstance. I’m just searching for someone to work with individually on my shadow and relative address that has a framework of Spirit nested in their approach and understanding.

Wishing you all well,


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Perhaps a Jungian therapist might be an approach that could be effective for you. Shadow work is usually not embraced by many other approaches to therapy. If you’re living in a bigger city you shouldn’t have trouble finding a good one.


Hi Simon,

I would encourage you to check out Internal Family Systems therapy. It’s based on systems-theory and is particularly well-suited for working with the shadow (in IFS, we call the shadow “parts” of us that are responsible for protecting us and keeping us safe, and that may also be carrying unresolved emotional burdens).

There are some self-led books available you can check out (Self Therapy by Jay Earley, No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz, Self-Led by Seth Kopald), and I believe the Psychology Today directory allows you to do a search for therapists who are versed in the modality. There are also a lot of very good YouTube videos about it; I recommend checking out the late Derek Scott’s videos as he embodies a lot of Self energy and has a great way of presenting the model.

In IFS, the idea is to bring in as much “Self-energy” as possible, which I believe would be synonymous with the phrase “Spirit nested” you used. This is done by listening to the parts of us that are stuck in ways of protecting us that may be unhealthy and helping them to heal so that we can embody more Self energy. The more that healing occurs, and the more Self energy we are able to embody, the more likely we will have a center of gravity in Tier 2 thinking.

Let me know if that helps!

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Hi Simon, welcome to our community, we’re glad to have you here!