In his “Big Picture Mind” presentation on Integral Life Robb Smith mentioned two things I am interested in:
- A deep ethic of integrative love, service, and compassion that, wherever it goes – whatever room it walks into – it’s there to serve wholeness at its highest order, to liberate partialities, and to expose blind spots.
- To be immersed in a community where you can learn how to do this and share with others the ethic of doing this, a community that, in its way of being in the world, prefigures the future that the present demands.
I walked away wanting to know what these things look like when they are lived in real life. I want Robb or someone gifted in translating academic language into language for the layperson. What do these ideals look like when lived in real life? What are some examples of them? Is there another Integral Life presentation that’s good at showing the real life, plain language, application of these ideals?
Thanks in advance,