Revealing Spirituality in Our Lives

We are not our name or anything else that we attach to ourselves. Be it terms like parent, student, teacher or homeowner, athlete, poet, etc – these are words used to help describe us but they are not the essence of who we are. The word “I” can be very limiting, or your “I-ness” can help you expand and grow depending on how you use your “I-ness”.

Does the word sparrow really contain a complete comprehension of that bird in nature? No! Telling someone your name, or other word attachments you assigned to yourself does not encapsulate who you are. Do you really even know yourself? Frankly we will never fully attain any substantive matter using words as a description or as an explanation alone, enlightenment goes beyond words.

In fact all words and descriptions, whether they are thoughts or vocalized into sounds, actually restrict our perceptions of reality. And yes our thinking too is just visualizing words. Words do shed some light on a matter … but reliance on words or a combination of words alone will actually limit our comprehension.

To help you attain comprehension of your world, your “I-ness” attaches words as a description and explanation to help identify things. Soon however we begin believing our words and thoughts are truth, sadly we can limit our I-ness to these conclusions. We’re often quick to reject other peoples words and descriptions that contradict our own, this hinders deeper comprehension. But even as we grow to be open to all explanations we are still limited if we rely on words and thinking (word thoughts) alone. Relying strictly on words and human intellect as “the truth” we actually cover up the deepest of connections and understanding, the spiritual.

Words are incapable of containing “the truth”. They contain some truth but they are limiting to the associations that the “I” have assigned to them. Every human attaches words to their experiences. We feel comfortable around those who share these same word associations. Sadly, we argue and fight with those who have different word associations with things; especially around sensitive subjects like God, religion and spirituality. These conflicts certainly are not enlightenment for either side.

The mystery of things like God, Nature, Love … these are but labels trying to contain what is ultimately unattainable by our mind if limited to words and thoughts alone. To discover the unknowable, you must let go of your thoughts and labels around everything. Be open for a deeper understanding, the spiritual, that is discovered inside Yourself.

Open up and be receptive to what’s happening inside of you as you interact with the world around you. Explore not only with words or thoughts … explore with your internal sensations. Acknowledge all your internal states and feelings. As you do you’ll discover your true “I-ness” and true spirituality. This is only attainable by you working internally with your own nature. Inside yourself is where you’ll discover “real truth” which cannot be contained by words, stories or explanations of any kind. It cannot be named or labeled, it can only be experienced by You inside your “I-ness” … we call this spiritual attainment, enjoy the discovery.


Nice, gentle, wise. This likely maps very well into some advanced IT states/levels.