Spiritual Line in Today's age

I work with youth on parole and probation and when I talk about the spiritual line I sometimes get looks like I am promoting the existence of the Easter bunny. It is also not uncommon in our times in media and others I meet that the spiritual line is undervalued and underdeveloped. I know in Wilber’s new book he discusses much of the problems today is the failure of Western culture to transcend to new levels of spirituality.
I also commented on another member’s thread about her take on “primordial avoidance” (again from Religions of tomorrow #RoT). There are just times that we have to be in this world (make money, householders path). It is hard to keep feet in both worlds and not lose sight of the Sacred.
I have my own angle on how to teach spirituality to the kids that I teach and why it is meaningful to a life with purpose.
I was raised Catholic but knew from an early age that despite wanting to be a priest I wanted kids more and that it wasn’t going to happen. I still like to think that I am committing my life to God in the work that I choose and many of the actions that I take. And while I think my spiritual line has developed by taking on practices outside of the faith I was raised in, it sometimes leaves me with the feeling I have an antiquated belief system (Do I believe there is a God? Do I have faith? Does it matter?).
I thought I could adapt my new spiritual understanding and just go back to church but I find it is incompatible. I am not raising my children in the church either. Instead, I am trying to give them a spiritual upbringing.
I really do hope to find a group on here in which I can feel a connection with (sangha) and grow with.
Does what I share make sense or can others relate?

Yes! I, too, would welcome being in such a sangha. I am 83, and live in the Cincinnati area so a geographical group would be especially great, but an integral life group on line would be fine.

I am Catholic in Spirit, plus Hebrew in Spirit, plus Muslim in Spirit, plus all great spiritual traditions in Spirit.

Christ gives us so much, as do the great teachers and mystics in all the traditions.

Ram Dass and Thich Nhat Hanh are two special teachers for me today.

Wilber has given us so much, along with all the great spiritual teachers he has worked with like Father Keating and Brother David.

I’m not sure how my first contribution will identify me, so I’ll just call myself Jim.

I am Catholic and have taken the spirituality of the Catholic tradition to be consciousness of the sacred within the material world–in the people especially–incarnation. As Tielhard said, “the within of things.” It’s a hard practice, but when I can regard the other as part of our communal self-transcendence, I feel love for them instead of impatience. This morning I went to Mass and there the people gather to offer the world for transformation and to be transformed as part of the world. It is very easy to get distracted though.


When you are giving your children a spiritual upbringing, you are giving them the core or heart of the Catholic tradition at its best, as well as the heart of all other religions at their best. Carry on in joy!

The questions “Do I believe in God, and Faith, and similar ones” may be helped by reading Anglican Bishop John Spong’s book “A New Christianity for a New World: Why traditional faith is dying and how a new faith is being born.”

He says Christian Faith, as we have come to know it, is based on a theistic notion of God, namely “ a being, supernatural in power, dwelling outside this world and invading the world periodically to accomplish the divine will.” He explains many concrete ways this kind of God is expressed in the Christian Faith, and how this just does not make sense any more. He goes on to explain how it is not God who is dead, but only this theistic understanding of God.

Hope you find this helpful. Happy Mother’s Day!