Always felt that KW was/is primarily a spiritual seeker, and secondarily a human development pioneer and implementer. Others may see him and his model the other way around. For my self and many friends I have little interest in human development, and only to the degree that it is useful to spiritual development, KW’s ‘Waking Up’ so shadow work is something I will (and must do) for the sake of further Waking Up.
Many of the other models are of little interest to me, because they either ‘peter out’ at Integral or have no spiritual, Awakening component.
Now I have other friends who are spiritual seekers (they view themselves in this manner) who go the ‘new age’ route and really dig personal growth. They like the soul-growth, higher plane, meaningful-life-purpose, pretty much dualistic. Me-becoming god-like, over vast amounts of time, and immense growth through the cosmic planes. Kundalini, chakras, aura cleansing, indigenous-neo-shamanic-rituals, all that stuff.
I here confess my snobbery, my arrogance, my lack of tolerance, ‘my way is superior’ to the above described, they are all dilettantes. I listen to their ‘hopeful’ nonsense and occasionally throw in a guiding word in(lol). Whereas I already know, they are deluded, not being aware of our fundamental suffering state necessary to get serious about the whole matter.
It is not that there isn’t love there ( and respect to some degree) I want them to grow, I want them to break through, to “wake up” but there is nothing I can do. When you are on that trip, ‘l-am-a-soul and have- a-cosmic-purpose!’ it is very hard to go past it, partly because there is such a smorgasbord of possibilities at present. If you have money, time and interest. Endless.
Then I have other friends who are more about, psychological, healing and growth on a human level, very little, or no interest in spiritual or waking up affairs. I find these friends easier to deal with, we don’t ‘get into it’, they like their enneagrams which is about as close to spiritual as they would comfortably get and that is fine by me, I love these guys as well. They like hugs, which I do as well, it ‘communicates’.
Thus I seem to be a ‘fundamentalist’, stuck in my ‘superior way’ not really integral, not teal or turquoise, yet perhaps I can call on ‘yellow’ and say, but there is higher and lower, there is some value in seeing that ‘green’ needs some ass-kicking, some reality there. What do you think?