Hi team
I joined an Integral Zoom a few days ago and was grateful for the discourse.
I’ve been following Integral for a month and I wanted to test my understanding of the ego before believing in the story I’m telling myself.
My understanding is:
- The ego is wafer-thin
- It acts as a shield between the self and others
- It looks semi-translucent until you get up close and then you see that it’s comprised of thousands upon thousands of tiny statements and rules, including, but not limited to “I don’t like celery”, “I am brave (I’m NOT a coward)” and “When my internet provider calls me, I must yell at them until they unbreak my internet”
- When the ego and the Unconscious Mind agree, resonance occurs and everyone wins.
- If the UM does not agree with the ego on the motivations behind a task, the task will fail to give the ego its desired outcome.
- The UM collects data. It organises the data into themes and assigns emotions to the themes, depending on how the incoming data is distorted by the shield it passes through.
- The UM can recreate the data and the emotion faster than the ego can find the rule.
- The ego and the UM must resonate before: a) deleting a rule from the shield, and/or b) deleting the emotion from a memory/theme.
Am I close?