The Big Picture w/ Daniel Schmachtenberger

Some of you may be familiar with Daniel Schmachtenberger. This is his latest interview. He is truly an Integral Thinker! I think you’ll appreciate it and learn a lot. Ya gotta love the Wizard beard too!


Here are my main questions about the work of Daniel Schmachtenberger. Does it motivate you to action? If so, what sort of actions? In everything he says, what is your jumping off point for implementing solutions at any level?


Is ChatGTP wrong about this?

Q: Does daniel schmachtenberger think action is needed to solve the metacrisis?

ChatGPT: Yes, Daniel Schmachtenberger believes that action is necessary to address the metacrisis. He often emphasizes the urgency of taking proactive steps to address complex global challenges, such as climate change, social inequality, and political instability. Schmachtenberger advocates for a multifaceted approach that involves systemic reform, technological innovation, cultural transformation, and collaborative efforts among diverse stakeholders.

Central to Schmachtenberger’s perspective is the recognition that the current trajectory of global civilization is unsustainable and poses significant risks to human well-being and the planet’s ecological integrity. He argues that addressing the metacrisis requires not only acknowledging the interconnected nature of these challenges but also taking decisive action to address their root causes.

While Schmachtenberger acknowledges the complexity and scale of the metacrisis, he also emphasizes the importance of individual and collective agency in driving positive change. He encourages people to engage in sensemaking, education, and activism to promote systemic reform and foster a more sustainable and equitable world.

Overall, Schmachtenberger’s worldview underscores the imperative for action in the face of global challenges, emphasizing the need for proactive and coordinated efforts to navigate the complexities of the metacrisis.

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In answer to my own questions about the work of Daniel Schmachtenberger, first let me preface that he is obviously a genius. Having listened to quite a few hours of his work, it’s also incredibly dense and hard to follow. My main takeaway has been that the metacrisis is very, very bad, and we need to do all sorts of things about it. But the lingering question is - how exactly would one go about doing such things?

I’ll stipulate that Schmachtenberger is about 10 times smarter than I am. Any claim I have to intelligence is based on me hanging out with a lot of people who are smarter, more accomplished, more insightful that I am. Anyway, I’m not especially interested in diminishing Schmachtenberger. I am very interested in sorting through the many, many, many things he says in the interest of identifying anything we can do about the metacrisis, other than be horrified by it.

So yeah, I’m motivated by Schmachtenberger’s work. In the first instance, I’m motivated to sort it out. Then I’m motivated to scope it down to bits and pieces people can actually do something about. BTW, Schmachtenberger is far from the only metacrisis theorist that hits me in that way. He is a rather iconic example, however.


Thanks so much for posting - quite a lot to appreciate and feel into.

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Now that we are moving the Integral zeitgeist from analysis to calls for action - the question indeed arises “what sre the most efficient ways to convince people to act?”

Here is why it is 100% important to be taking action in UR to a considerable degree. We have to prove our hypothesis before asking others to repeat it. The more others have already taken action on an idea and proven it correct, the quicker others will follow.

Few people are going to implement vague and complex theories until they see it working in action. Show them a physical proof of concept they can see and touch - yourself lol.

This is basic human psychology and marketing. Nobody sells a product with words. You sit locked in an auditorium with 300 people listening to a sales pitch for 3 hours and nobody is signing up. Then when they finally ask for you to buy, they have several “plants” who eagerly buy and show happiness when buying. Thats when everyone rushes forward to buy - after they see someone else buying and being happy.

The best and only way to get UL to “buy” a concept and take action is to first show tbem a few examples of individuals doing it “UR”…

The path from idea to mass implementation is: UL → LL → UR → LR.

An idea wont go from LL to LR without someone first going through an appealing UR. and presenting it so others can see its benefits.

It could be worth simplifying and mapping out his ideas on taking action.


Hi Brian, thank you for the heads up on the interview! Much appreciated. Keep sharing.

Rey makes a good point about simplifying and mapping our Daniel´s ideas to give them a wider trickle down.


I think one form of action is simplifying our lifestyles and stop supporting systems that are part of the problem. Other than living off the grid I’ve made a conscious effort to learn about our food systems as well as what kinds of businesses I’m supporting by learning about what those businesses support. I’ve simplified my life to the point that I own very little, try to support local and sustainable food systems(living in Seattle we have lots of local farms within a radius that makes that easier than many parts of the world), structured my life so I don’t have to do long commutes and can take a bus or even walk(many don’t have that option), and be frugal with how much energy my lifestyle requires.

These were some things that come to mind but I’m sure there’s much more to do!

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Yeah every journey has a part that has been completed and a part that is yet to be completed.
I estimate that if 10% of the population did exactly that portion you and i and some others are doing, the global economic system would be forced to reevaluate itself.
The irony is that doing the things you mention isnt even a sacrifice - it makes life better and higher quality. Healthier physically and psychologically.


I totally agree Ray! Simplifying my life felt like lifting a heavy burden off my shoulders and that freed up energy for other things like healing and creativity, etc.

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Oh yes, Irina send me his video and I love him! Teal mindset for sure.

Yes, Daniel’s talks would motivate someone at the Green or Teal level to try to observe, understand and take action on systemic levels starting with the most basic systems if not the most complex ones. Everything compounds.