The Integral Artist

Originally published at:

The creator of some of the most transcendent art of our time explores why it is necessary to go beyond the faded postmodern milieu of today’s art world, how psychedelics can play a role in discovering and manifesting one’s deeper realms of being, and how the “two kinds of higher” can impact artists and their work.

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so glad there is a way to comment on this post! (wish the blog was set up with the usual comment mechanism at the bottom!)

in any case, I’m new to the community, have been nudged a multitude of times over the past 20+ years to dive into Ken Wilber (documented here) and A Theory of Everything just blew my mind over the past week!

I couldn’t help but be curious about the Integral Institute, read more about a vision for “integral art” and see what progress has been made around Kindred Visions.

I came up shorthanded for the most part (what happened?!) and was happy to find this article and to see a Discourse community still up and kicking!

As a dancer and particularly someone who facilitates raising consciousness through music & dance, I found this article on “art” a bit one-sided - it focused primarily on the “visual arts” (and I realize this is primarily due to Alex Gray). I was hoping for a higher level treatise on what it means to be an “integral artist”

Did anyone else feel this way too when they read the article?

I’m doing my best to translate A Theory of Everything to the world of conscious dance - I feel a lot of the passion Ken Wilber shares around meditation parallels the experience of a dancer with the bonus that dance naturally expands to the socialization with other people and can profoundly be both “interior” and “exterior” at the same time!

Any dancers in the haus? :slight_smile: