This issue came up in the very contentions chat on information warfare…I am not much interested in warfare so I thought I would start a new topic.
I have been involved in Integral thought scene for 25+ years and it has been very helpful to me in navigating the complexity of multiple world views, my state experiences, and many other things. I would say Integral has been one of the most important aspects of my life. Lately, I find the world so crazy even integral isn’t helping me much. I pop back in from time to time to see what’s up and it’s just not doing it for me anymore. I get it may be just a “it’s me not you” thing, but this thought line is intriguing to me, so I thought I would see where it goes since I’m sure it will take some time for Corey to work out a new class.
I do think the whole interior and exterior of each quadrant is sometimes an overlooked aspect of Integral. I think so much of the, what felt to me, as manic nature of communication on the information warfare chat is due to this overlooked aspect. I am not as whip smart and articulate as most who are attracted to this space, but I am pretty intuitive, so bear with me.
What I keep seeing in communications that gets so toxic between “right vs left” is they are always saying the same thing and cant see it. When it comes to “finding solutions” things go off the rails, but I see that as a “programming problem” meaning we haven’t taken the time to understand the issue prior to moving into solutions. I cant quite put a finger on what is the missing ingredient here in the integral pie. Is it the interiors of the lower right or do we need to deepen our understanding of our collective interiors while really honoring the spiral, (I do think Integral still tends towards a condescending tone towards “lower WV” ?
I see this everywhere in both local and global scenes. Even in issues I am an expert in locally (where we are mostly all on a similar political page), I just cant find any space to be heard and I see plans being implemented that I KNOW will fail, but there is nothing to do since everyone just wants to steam roll everything and everyone. This is the same dynamic I was seeing in the chat…it’s everywhere at this point.
What I see is some kind of interiority of the exterior being overlooked. Because we can’t see there is an interiority of the exterior, we do not trust each other. I am seeing really tragic results and I have been in positions where I felt if I had the skills to navigate it differently that maybe a better result could have occurred. I would love to hear others thoughts on this.