The new IDGs - Inner Development Goals - as a supplement to the 17 UN SDGs - first draft integral analysis

On Friday, I’m attending a conference about the 23 IDGs - Inner Development Goals - which can be seen as the next step after creating the SDGs, the 17 UN Sustainability Development Goals.

I see this as a positive sign that enough people understand we cannot succeed in the outer, physical realm, solving wicked problems - if we do not also work from and on and with the inside.

However, when I first read the IDGs, it was clear to me that they were not integrally informed and therefore, we might again lose time we do not have. On the other hand, I do not want to dismiss a great effort from a large group of people coming together, wanting to make a real change.

If you want to attend the conference, you can do so online (at a cost): (I don’t profit from this in anyway and I am not part of the planning or otherwise, just a curious spectator).

I started out trying to do an “Integral analysis” of the IDGs, which of course is not really possible with the mind, soul, body and shadow of only one person. But it’s a start!

And I wanted to share it here, potentially finding integrally-informed likeminded-likehearted beings. Who also see a world not quite living up to its potential … .which sinks my heart repeatedly - but then again, also experience all the efforts to achieve real change again and again… which should be applauded - better than giving up entirely, right?

Whay type of feedback are you looking for?

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Nice work Bettina!

I’ll go all Orange on the party and ask what the measurement criteria would need to be for the non-observable Dev Goals?
I know it’s cool to respond with a Green - it’s all good - or Teal - just enfold everything - but when you’re creating massive institutional agendas and curriculum, it somehow needs to be measured to know if you’re on track. My language is likely decidedly Orange’ish, but hopefully you can up-altitude for me :slight_smile:

I would probably also start with an honest assessment of what’s already going on in each developmental area. All the SDG’s are good, and much is already mature or in-flight to accomplish.

Thanks for sharing your work!

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Hi Michelle, maybe I do not understand the categories on this site… I was simply sharing my reflections (first draft), to see if it in any way, shape or form resonated with anyone or gave spark to something new.

I find this IDG attempt important even though (possibly) faulty. I do not know all about it, and I will learn more during the conference on Friday, so I might be missing a lot of knowledge. But when so many intelligent people come together to make a conference about a topic that has been completely lacking in mainstream public debate, I want to acknowledge it and support it with my presence, even though I feel it lacking. One of the things that will make it hard for me to get through the day is a lack of body-use, embodiment, incorporated into the agenda. It’s a LOT of speakers, few breaks, and that’s a bit difficult for me to cope with. Words, words, words. Much like my document! But a conference has so many more options than a document… so it’s a bit disappointing. However, I might stand corrected when I witness the execution, of course.

I know we can only create change if we really listen to each other and meet each other where we are, and then find some way of flocking consciously together. But it’s difficult when we don’t have an agreed framework to engage from. To me it feels like wasting time, going in circles. Sometimes in a feel-good kind of way, often not. But it doesn’t really lead us anywhere.

None of this answers your question, though, I think, so I will stop for now :slight_smile:

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Hi @FermentedAgave, thanks a lot!

I’m just checking to see if I understand you: You say than when they are formulated as goals, they should also be measurable? So for ex. IDG 1.1, Inner compass “Having a deeply felt sense of responsibility and commitment to values and purposes relating to the good of the whole” should have some kind of evaluation criteria, so you can see whether you are at 1 or 5, or similar?

I think you have a good point, I didn’t even think about that, at least not so specifically. Of course, technically you can have more visionary goals that are not measurable, but it makes it difficult to know what we are talking about. When I did Sacred Media’s Superhuman OS course, I think they suggested using the development levels as gauges, and something similar could maybe be done here. Kegan is part of the presenters, so maybe he will touch upon that some how?

A self-assessment for each project (or the whole of UN) where they rate themselves both collectively and individually could be an interesting project in itself. Even if others didn’t present them with any measurement levels, to observe their discussions to form some suggested answers could be extremely interesting and valuable. I would love to hear how they interpret the goals and how they collectively would find out how they are doing reg. these 23 IDGs :slight_smile:

My first thought however, when I read your response, was that they would only care about measuring the SDGs (which is already done). Because those are the concrete results of change we want to see in the world. When I teach performance management / the art of setting goals, I would probably call the SDGs lag indicators and the IDGs lead indicators? I know it’s a limited way of seeing it, because the IDGs have real value in themselves. But when you live in an unjust, suffering world, you would like to see this fixed … otherwise, the SDGs are completely meaningless?

Hi Bettina,

The inner quadrant goals are tough to “measure” and very easy to spoof. Just think of your last run in with a highly intelligent, charming narcissist when thinking of the fertile ground they would see in “Having a deeply felt sense of responsibility and commitment to values and purposes relating to the good of the whole”. Basically unreasonable, not quantifiable, a narcissists dream world to abuse. We know for some people, usually the one’s most power hungry, that possess high intelligence, social skills, learn the jargon, and then they end up as Managing Director of the Good of the Whole department.

I’ll have to think about the IDG/SDG leading/lagging-ness.

Sorry for the questions and seemingly no answers :slight_smile:

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Hahaha, exactly!

And I think we (as humanity) need to explore together much more, I too love questions and have much fewer answers :slight_smile: or sometimes a whole range of possible answers, to play with…

I joined the event yesterday and it was great to be a part of that. The main hall sessions were inspiring and I also joined The Presencing Institute’s session. Thanks to all of the event organizers! You guys are doing great work to promote inner development throughout the world.

In recent weeks, I have been working on a table that attempts to correlate the IDG categories with Integral Theory and I also included several other things such as cognitive science, Vervaeke’s 4Ps of knowing, shadow, etc. I ended up coming up with a slight variation on AQAL in the process. Your comments are welcome and also I’d be willing to have a discussion with people who have been involved with Integral and/or IDG to improve this table so that it could serve as a tool to help serve IDG’s mission by offering interconnections with Integral practices and with cognitive science.
Here’s the spreadsheet doc:

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