I appreciate you bringing this up, Brian! Yes, it’s difficult / impossible to convey the embodied energy of the depth of experiential knowledge in a written forum, but often also what is available to us?
However, I wonder IF we could be better at conveying this kind of energy (including it) also in the written form / on SoMe platforms? One way is of course art, and I don’t mean that we should be proficient artists ready for exhibtions at established art museums, but rather to allow the use of drawings, photography, clayworks, or whatever we might be called to express. And allow a “child like level” without judging, because the point here would be to express depths that would otherwise be difficult to do. And maybe not even “express” it but rather hint at it. As expressing it truly would be “impossible” or at least a limited aspect in the here and now?
Another way is to try and put into words what experiences like “our being is spread out over a spectrum that is a continuum from the depths of the unconscious to the pinnacle of sensory awareness” might look, taste, and feel like? For example right now when I am sitting in my small study, writing this. It’s eight o’clock in the morning in an apartment building in Copenhagen, Denmark. In the dead of winther, but still a month after equinox, and you can clearly feel the light is coming back, the sun is already trying to lift itself above the horizon, but still not getting there within the next half hour or so. For once, it’s relatively quiet here, and I can hear the silence as a sort of quivering tinkling in the energy. Which is ironic: that I can hear silence.
When I sit and listen to this tinkling sensation, I feel my energy expand and I am. I am then reminded that I have access “to everything”, the depths, the universe and everything in between. The next step might be to do it with another or others, like I do regularly when I for example practice inquiry. To explore the now with others, in silence, in words, in gestures, in art. Not to exhibit it (necessarily) but to learn to have experiential experience (?) of “Our Being as a continuum”, not only as me but also as us.
Not sure if this makes sense? Or of course, if this is remotely why you made this post! But this was what came to me just now…