Time to move to Tier 3 (no excuses anymore)

See below for a summary by Bence Ganti of Ken Wilber’s Stages / Structures of consciousness:

Note that there is a monumental leap of sorts between upper Tier 2 Integral (Turquoise) and lower Tier 3 (Indigo). The leap is largely psychophysical, in my opinion. A realisation that reality is co-enacted. Note that Indigo includes such things as “going with what wants to happen”, “Integral Flow” and telepathy. But wait. What did he just say!? Telepathy? WTF? But telepathy is Magenta-Magic, right? Or, at best, it’s Amber-Mythic, right?

If you have a spare two hours, and a genuine desire to make progress in the Stages of consciousness throughout ‘your’ life, then I highly recommend you watch the following video:

If you want to dig deeper (and I strongly recommend you dig rigorously), then I recommend subscribing to The Telepathy Tapes where you will find a small library (for a very small and worthwhile fee) of examples of telepathy and–more to the point–examples that supply double-blind proof of telepathy, which, no doubt, will soon be included in the peer-reviewed literature.

We are on the cusp of a major Kuhnian paradigm shift in the sciences. I recommend getting in early, because it’s going to simply end up becoming a question of how long you’re willing to resist the tide of evidence that is coming. You’re in Tier 2 because YOU are keeping yourself there through your own belief system. Your reality is shaped by what you believe. Kindly ask yourself where your thoughts are coming from.

EDIT: Available as podcast as well. Available for free on YouTube here.


I knew it would come before I experienced it, bit I am pretty sure I heard my son thinking, because he told me a little bit later what he was thinking (I did not ask). And the thoughts that I heard couple of minutes before were pretty unusual for me.

And since then I had several occurrences where I am considering that it happened again with other people.

So, in one direction I would say it works.

Still observing the whole issue. But actually it’s logically from my pointy of view. And currently I would guess that it happens all the time with every person.


Thank you for the post, and the great resources!

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Wow! I’m profoundly moved. It seems that more evolutionary acceleration is ahead. Thank you!

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“The Telepathy Tapes” suggest non-verbal autistic people might communicate in ways we don’t fully understand, maybe even telepathically. This idea sounds wild but Integral Theory but be uniquely qualified to look at this through different angles: personal experiences, brain science, culture, and systems. Could this be a special skill some autistic folks develop because they can’t speak, or is it some kind of fast track to 2nd Tier awareness?

My intuition leads me to think that while our center of gravity may exist in first tier, we have access to all levels at all times, like the concept that we are all already fully awakened but just don’t have the perspective yet.

Interested to hear your theories and perspectives.

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How would this perspective correspond with the fact that James Randi has offered $1m to anyone who can demonstrate telepathy to an irrefutable standard for several generations?


Hello unThinkMe. Your question is right on the money. I thought about this myself. My best understanding is that this is a slow-moving beast. I can’t explain it fully. But the answer draws parallels with the following:

4.5 billion years ago the Earth was composed of rock, the result of an aggregation of space debris. The paradigmatic model is that icy asteroids then bombarded early Earth, providing the planet with the water it currently enjoys. A chemical reaction involving rock, water and sunlight eventually resulted in abiogenesis (or some proto form of life, in the form of self-replicating molecules). Billions of years later you are walking on the surface of the Earth, with the components of your body having ultimately emerged from the rock beneath your feet. The rocks took billions of years to convert into you. If you had a multi-billion-year photo album, with each page of the album representing a successively earlier ancestor, then, generation after generation, eventually you would have a picture of a rock in your photo album. But why did we need this slow-moving evolutionary unfolding to get to you? Why did we need literally billions of years to create something as magical as you? To my mind, this is the same question you’re asking re James Randi. Why can’t we just have clear, demonstrable evidence of telepathy? My shaky understanding is that we are just starting, as a collective, to be ready for this paradigm shift. We simply can’t ignore the disenchantment that is rife in modern society. We have this gut feeling that there is more but we can’t seem to properly formulate what our instincts are telling us.

I don’t know which country you’re from, but in Australia one in seven people are, at any given time, on medication for chronic depression. And if you include medication for anxiety, then the number of medicated people for anxiety / depression increases to one in six. This is quite a mind-blowing statistic. It’s a frightening trajectory if the status quo prevails.

The autistic people with telepathic abilities are indicating that we need to make this shift now. The time is ripe to move away from the materialist / physicalist paradigm to a new (idealist?) paradigm.

Perhaps you should watch the James Randi space closely over coming months. We’re on the cusp of something here, and my sense is that it’s a stunningly beautiful shift that is about to take place. The flatland view of reality is about to be upheaved. You can take it from me, at least, that there is something enchanting about Tier 3. There is a depth to reality that simply is not present at Tiers 1 and 2. There is a wholeness and a moral clarity that cannot be described very well with words. But the autistic people capture the essence of it: love, love, love. The absence of universal love and the failure to realise that we are, at base, all the one thing (whatever it is) act as roadblocks to telepathy. I can give you a first-hand guarantee that telepathy is a real phenomenon. It’s just very awkward and childish-sounding to try to put these things into words.

The tide is changing. These are exciting times to be alive, particularly if you’re under the age of 70.

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Yes, yes, yes. Make yourself open to it and it will open itself to you. Your openness is exactly what is required. You’re on the cusp of something life-changing. Clearly you have great love for your son, which is the key ingredient.

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Absolutely! This is an exciting time to be alive. It’s come on the back of billions of years of evolution. Everyone will eventually be swept up in the tide of change, but some will be earlier than others. Those who are earlier will feel a duty to reach out to the others, and lift them into the new paradigm.

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Agree. “Already fully awakened but don’t have the perspective yet.” I would go a step further and say that the limiting factor (the reason we don’t all have telepathy and we’re not all fully awakened) is because we learn early on to use language as the principal communication mechanism and telepathy becomes redundant to the extent that we believe it to be redundant. The belief system we construct early on actually blinds us to (or filters out) a larger consciousness. You can understand that there are evolutionary advantages to doing this, as we must be malleable to the era and culture we’re born into.

However, it’s possible to transcend all this and become aware that our beliefs act as roadblocks. There is nothing inherently wrong with beliefs; rather, we just have to realise that we are co-creating / co-enacting our realities, and so what we believe becomes ontological truth. The distinction between epistemology and ontology is an illusion.

I think Integral Theory is centrally placed to manage this transition / paradigm shift, and I think this was Ken Wilber’s idea all along. What Ken termed the Fourth Turning of the Dharma.

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I think the problem is that we place too much faith in the religion called science.
In science, only that which can be proven can be recognized to exist. If it cannot be proven, it does not exist. Everything in the universe that is not measurable by science does not exist.
This is patently absurd, but the entirety of our scientific and educational industries treat it as the one great rule for the universe.
The second tenent of faith in the religion of sicence is “we will eventually reach a point where we will be able to measure everything and thereby, know everything.”

This is nothing more than dunning-kreuger on a global scale. Science only knows that which is measurable and repeatable, therefore anything that is not measurable and repeatable is poppycock.

The mental gymnastics become obvious when we compare ancient science that was repeatable, but not necessarily measurable. In the East the concept of chi / ki / prana was developed into practices that can be repeated by anyone and when repeated by anyone certain very obvious results occur. Sciences of acupuncture, yoga, feng shui and a dozen others were and are rejected by science because we cannot measure in numbers how much more or less uncomfortable you feel when you sleep with your bed a certain way in relation to the door opening, for example. Although any observant person can feel the difference in any one of a hundred differnt ancient sciences, modern science has decided that it cannot be measured and therefore it is to be laughed at and ridiculed.

Forward to telepathy.
Part of the problem is the belief that telepathy is bascially the same as language, but transmitted by the brain instead of the lips and tongue. The experiments of James Randi are set up very scientifically so that precise data has to be transmitted.
Telepathy probably doesn’t work this way, if it exists.
I think telepathy works more like the way empaths feel things, in general feelings and fuzzy concepts.
Kind of like “Fiver” in Watership Down. In that example, he just knew something terrible was going to happen before it happened.
It all gets very murky, impossible to prove and then add to it con artists who make the topic even more opaque. Yet this does not “prove” that it doesn’t exist. All a neutral observer can conclue is that there is no real evidence either way. It’s possible, perhaps probable but impossible to prove.

It’s also interesting to bring in the concept of mass telepathy. Every once in a while a world event will happen and in hindsight you can “see” that large masses of people were expecting it. COVID and 9-11 are two examples. This is so common that we even created a saying for this: “Life imitates Art”. This infers that this is so common that we created a well known saying for it and it rings with truth. Yet our schitzophrenic brains both accept and deny this truth about the human condition.

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Hi Ray, thanks for your reply. I agree. Science and physicalist views cannot describe and quantify the totality of reality. The so-called Hard Problem of Consciousness (first formulated by David Chalmers) demonstrates that there will always be an Explanatory Gap (this idea is due to Joseph Levine). The whole issue is reducible down to the following: how can we scientifically explain how feelings / experiences arise out of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc?

The idea that the scientific methodology can explain the totality of reality requires an earlier commitment to physicalism. But what is physicalism other than an example of a belief system that emerged out of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc? Physicalism is an internally incoherent position to hold. Science is an excellent tool for describing and predicting the behaviour of reality but will always be incomplete, as it cannot describe itself.

I would take a slightly different position than you on telepathy. Telepathy is now scientifically demonstrable, as the autistic community have collectively decided that the time is right to reveal this component of reality to the non-telepathic (often neurotypical) cohort. I am referring to double-blind experiments that meet the threshold for the peer-reviewed literature. The video evidence is currently available behind a paywall (very small fee) and the documentary will be released soon. We are on the cusp of a true Kuhnian paradigm shift. But don’t rely on my say so. If you follow the links in my original post, you can make your own enquiries.

These are exciting times. Quite possibly you will be fully telepathic in five years.

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Na Man, beyond tier 3 it’s real narrly. It’s more like Tier 0 with no = sign. Tier 3 is in the center of the earth man. And if ya don’t know Tier 0 then Tier 3 gives a false clarity. Power must flow. And it’s hungry. So after all this clear ladder orientation crap. We all need to “ Feed your Head”. I am the Lizard King

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I mean, I’m only here, hopefully representing Integral Theory. Perhaps failing to do so. :upside_down_face: Sometimes people slide around with terms. Telekinesis, as I understand, means the ability to move objects using the mind, or the will, or anything besides the things we ordinarily assume would move an object. This is not a mystical or mysterious or transcendental or integral claim, it’s a material claim about Newtonian physics and it can be tested with science. And so Orange meme, as much as they want to believe people can have the force, tested in vain and could find no people who showed even minute ability in telekinesis. And Orange meme thinks, hey, if I could move objects with my mind, proving it to the world would actually be a huge priority. I would want to completely devastate and advance mankind’s mainstream understanding of nature. That’s one of the main things Orange would hope to accomplish with telekinesis. To make telekinesis valid to science, would be an accomplishment, for any person with Orange or Green values. And so, we would have to forgive science and academia and mainstream culture and in most cases government for giving up on telekinesis, as it has borne no fruit from their methodologies. And in the case that you, personally, have sufficiently compelling evidence to convince a reasonable person that someone has the ability to move objects with their mind, it would seem that you have an incredible advantage over anyone who is unaware of it, but I hope that you can appreciate, the hurdle to get over, is logical skepticism of the claim: humanity has always tested whether people can do that; if it’s a thing that is common enough to be a natural phenomenon of any sort, why exactly wouldn’t it be measured, reliably reported, caught on camera… we’re talking about objects moving around. You would think that people with telekinesis would really want to prove they have it, for all the reasons that people do things. So then what is telekinesis really? Like poltergeists, where it just sort of randomly happens at someone and it responds to them in some uncanny way? The moving of spiritual energies in an ethereal realm beyond our own? Sure, and we should be sure to differentiate those from anything implied by telekinesis. For the sake of clarity.

Thanks for talking with me. Thanks for reading.

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uff if any what you wrote above is true in the first post with indigo i notice it heavly even with only 30 minutes of meditation, as long as I am following my life purpose and vision and take action, I never thought karma and synchronicities could get so crazy, and I resited a lot with the going of what wants to happen, due to umber cravings it’s soo odd wish I would’ve seen this earlier…

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