Transcending Deconstructionism - Inspiration as the Ground for Philosophy

The following guided exercise will show you how to include and transcend relativity/postmodern thought/deconstructionism/scepticism and show you that it’s true but not contradictory to the constructive force of eros.

Note: this is about relative truth, I’m not denying the existence of ultimate truth/being/god, which is the ground of reality.

Being your deepest held believes to mind: moral, epistemic or metaphysical. You might believe that the pursuit of goodness, truth and beauty is preferable to self destruction. You might hold the 4 quadrants as a fundamental metaphysical truth.
Ask yourself: why do I believe this? Be radically sceptical.
Continue down the rabbit hole. Why should I believe my justifications?
You might end up in that it rings true for you, or that it makes the world make sense. That doesn’t make it true.
Question those hidden assumption too.
Continue going.
Question everything.
You will never find the end of the rabbit hole. What you thought would be the bottom turns out to be an assumption, and beneath that, another assumption.
Eventually you find that you have already been here before. The assumptions justify themselves in a self-referential circle. It turns out this is not a rabbit hole at all, it’s a rabbit strange loop!

You are left with a feeling of uncertainty and confusion. You look down the rabbit strange loop and see madness. That sight is for some uncomfortable and for some terrifying. It is so because of the cognitive dissonance that comes from the contradiction between the madness and eros, our impulse for creation/action.

This makes most people look away from the rabbit strange loop and cling to their truths, and thus fall short of including and transcending relativity. Jordan B. Peterson is an example of this, and in my view Ken too.

Don’t look away.
At the same time, let eros come to you in the form of inspiration. Feel yourself being inspired by an unwavering loving kindness.

If you are inspired you will assert that you will act from it, in spite the fact that love is not logically better than it’s opposite.

Looking down the strange loop you choose to not go down it unless it’s in the service of love.

Now, because you assert love you also assert the use of whatever metaphysical and epistemological system that supports the expression of that love. Again, because you are inspired to do so, in spite it’s arationality.

Thus moral assertion becomes the basis for construction, and thus philosophy as a whole.

If the biggest concern of your mind is relative truth, you will end up going down the strange loop forever. So relative truth for its own sake should be seen as a pathology.
So let go of it. Never seek it for it’s own sake because it can’t be found. Relative truth is a tool, with an illusive nature, that should only be used as an expression of your inspiration.

This philosophy is not a truth, it’s an act. An act of inspiration and an act of allowing arationality.

This might raise some questions:

-What should I be inspired by?
This is not inherent to this philosophy. However, we are inspired by happinesses, which is union/dissolving of boundaries.
This is found in it’s pure form in spiritual enlightenment. It is also found in the bliss of the positive expressions of our chakras which are: comfort, pleasure, joy, love, self-actiualzation, beauty, self-transcendence and more. We should therefore seek the means to sustain those emotions in every being in the kosmos, as we all share the same consciousness.

But as we know, what we are inspired by in the moment changes as we grow in virtue and wisdom. It’s okey to be where you are. This is an invitation to being human.

-Couldn’t this justify immoral acts?
In a sense no, it doesn’t justify immoral acts but it can explain immoral acts. The study of immoral acts doesn’t justify them.
However, in a sense, if the wrong person hears this he might use it to justify immoral behavior that previously only were held back by illusion. So I’m inspired to urge you to not teach this to the wrong person, in the hopes that you will be inspired not to.
Instead I hope you will be inspired to speak the language they understand and that benefits them at their current cosmic address.

-What if I’m inspired by dark impulses, should I assert those?
I hope you will have a higher inspiration for for self-restraint and higher wisdom not to assert those dark inspirations.

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Minor insight that result from this thinking:

-To change someone’s mind you fundamentaly don’t do it by proving your point of view, rather you inspire them. Try to invoke the emotions in them that will change them. But again, they might be inspired by logic.

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