As we watch inflation break 40 year highs, month after month, this might actually be a good thing overall for Integral Development. We’ve discussed many times the Transcend and Include, perhaps Include then Transcend, Integral Development Conveyor Belt and how we get to a 2nd Tier or Teal tipping point.
Overall consensus might be that waiting on Amber to develop into Orange, Orange to develop into Green is likely is/are not the best paths forward. Or at least the most expeditious.
I propose that we refer to the focus on pulling forward the current leading edge of late stage Orange and healthy Green as Trickle Down Integralism. i.e. We focus on the already most advanced leading edge people, even if a very small portion of the population, who will then in turn embody Integral 2nd tier-ness. Given that these Integral elite are most likely already in high level positions of power and influence, they can not only through their living Integral Beingness expand 2nd tier adoption they can also push downward 2nd tier Beingness with or without buy-in by the lower developmental tiers - and actually mandate 2nd tier principles.
Setting aside dated concepts such as compassion for the less fortunate, crushing these Amber and early stage Orange through application of Modern Monetary Theory in order to force society to adopt 2nd tier globalcentric Climate and Equity Policies (transition to EV’s, Solar, Wind, Intersectionality) might be the most expeditious developmental conveyor belt possible. While the economic impact on the lowest economic groups is devastating and arithmetically accelerating, God willing most of us will awaken from the hard times in a brighter world.
So while the costs of Modern Monetary Policy application might be devastating to the lowest and middle economic strata (Amber, early stage Orange), the Trickle Down Integralism should enable the unfolding and enfolding of a new 2nd tier noosphere.