Ultimately, We Need A (Vertically) Integral UN

Rocket Raccoon: “What are you, some saint all of a sudden? What has the galaxy ever done for you? Why would you want to save it?”

Peter Quill: “Because I’m one of the idiots who live in it!”

-Guardians of the Galaxy film.

We need a (vertically) Integral United Nations to deal with the world-centric MetaCrisis issue(s) but also, as the Integral Vision is fully realized, an entire humanity that is in non-dual union with All.

This could finally bring about an Integral World of peace, cooperation, security, innovation…all of it. Long-term, this would be the most stable way.

That would mean that Integral Theory/Non-Duality would spread to most, if not all countries. Proposed applications would be considered and enacted UN-wide as a solution for the MetaCrisis.

Integral Development Proposals would be created & shared and entire countries will start to become Integral-aware (not that every country can/has to/will immediately) and eventually the first one will reach Teal as measured by the majority of the population.

The G7 countries at Orange to Green like Canada could become Teal first however, population wise, the smaller countries are most likely going to. The countries with a majority of the population/culture aware of IT/ND first are going to be more agile and could start setting up the foundations to have the first Integral president/leadership and will have influence on the G20/enacting it at the UN.

So in order to get there we all must continue to work on our Integral knowledge & application as well as our impact goals, which would start with ourselves and our immediate survival bands-supporting our families and Integral Community & Movement with their issues as the next few immediate LL/LR groups where we can have the most immediate impact in until we fill in the steps.

Love to all


I agree. Currently I think the closest thing we have is the Inner Development Goals initiative, which is connected to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, although the affiliation between the two is not really official, as I understand it. And I did reach out to the leadership of the IDG to explain how they would benefit from taking a more integral approach, or at least to bring in more aspects of Integral Theory and AQAL, but they were resistant to this proposal. I’m in grad school at CIHS studying under some notable and highly-esteemed integralists and one thing I’m focusing on is this connection between IT-AQAL and the IDG initiative so that we might be able to use this as a means of bringing integral theory to the community level and the governmental level in various regions of the world. One of the main people behind IDG is Tomas Björkman and he seems more receptive to this proposal than the other top leaders. He has admitted to me that IDG is currently somewhere between Orange and Green and that he’d like to evolve it into more of a Teal organization in the coming years.


Thank you for your input Brandon, yes I was taking a look at the UN’s stated “Sustainable Development Goals” and they are as follows:

The Sustainable Development Goals of the UN address problems this way; No Poverty is #1, Zero Hunger is #2. Good Health & Well-Being #3, Quality Education is #4, Gender Equality is #5, Clean Water & Sanitation is #6. Affordable & Clean Energy is #7, Decent Work & Economic Growth is #8, Industry, Innovation &,Infrastructure is #9, Reduced Inequalities is #10, Sustainable Cities & Communities is #11, Responsible Consumption & Production is #12, Climate Action is #13. Life below water is #14. Life on Land #15. Peace, justice & strong institutions is #16. Partnerships for the goals is #17.

I started to restructure them using the Integral stages and so far came up with this:

Partnerships for the goals is #17

Reduced Inequalities is #16

Gender Equality is #15

Life on Land #14

Life below water is #13

Climate Action is #12

Responsible Consumption & Production #11

No Poverty #10

Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure #9,

Decent Work & Economic Growth #8

Sustainable Cities & Communities is #7

Quality Education #6

Affordable & Clean Energy is #5

Peace, justice & strong institutions #4

Good Health & Well-Being #3,

Zero Hunger #2

Clean Water & Sanitation #1


Nice! Yes he definitely is knocking on the door. Pretty soon I sense it will be bashed in.


I am in contact with several layers of world leaders to get to know the exact problem around the international community, although they seem to be resistant to hospitality under the notion that I somehow have no rights as a poverty stricken hobo in the United States, (long story short:) I am an SSI recipient at the age of 33 through a loophole in the law in the United States that somehow would enslave someone instead of help them remove themselves from poverty with what I’ve found is a loan 10k for 5 years at above normal interest percentage. as I do understand poverty is environmental from birth and since I was not poverty stricken growing up and even in my mid twenties, I still was completely crapped on by the BIEGE∆ defensive REDS∆ and RED∆ defensive PURPLES∆, as I do know there is a cultural problem in America with power trips and the last 4 years with our current political agenda we are forced to live under by sake of the elites controlling the wealth, there is no other option but for me to link my blog to you: lucidinthewakingdream.blogspot.com, beware of how shit people think.


Namal, you have thoughtfully reordered the 17 goals. Darn it, you put the harder ones on top :slight_smile: If I had seen this post I would have never posted my stuff about the UN. I have learned something from you and EnlightenedWorldview. I am really glad there is at least a documented strategy for moving forward to a more unified political global agenda. EV, it sounds like you are doing some cutting edge research and development. Beyond culture wars, I seem to find myself being drawn back to Eisenhower’s warning about the Military-Industrial complex. Until there are ways and means to make war unprofitable and and not a tool to direct the idealism, hopelessness and anger of young people toward a fake unified ideal of solidarity, there will be war.


Hi, thank you! Yeah I tried putting them in the stages order. Will need to take a second look because maybe partnerships should be at the Magenta level? Oh no, don’t feel bad about your post, everyone’s input is welcome. As far as the roadmap to deployment, we should do it in this order

Here is the original

Have a good one! :slight_smile:

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Yeah I didn’t catch that a first and then it dawned on me after I logged off that you were reordering using AQAL. I find it interesting that that I thought the UL issues the hardest when they are only one piece of an interlocking whole. The videos look interesting and I will wait until I can watch them mindfully.

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Hi, yeah thanks! I might have to take another look but that was the first draft. Yes, the harder ones are more complex so it figures it would take a Teal/Turquoise mindset to fix them. I loved the Animaniacs when I was a kid and still do.

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I never saw them before. I see they are on HULU. I am going to look for them. I little more cutting edge than Sesame Street which I never watched either lol.

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Oh okay, yeah you’re in for a treat lol

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