WARNING Viewer Discretion is Advised

This video is not for the faint of heart … the following has images and descriptions that may be quite disturbing and unsettling to many viewers.

The full documentary

Falsification is a very important step when it comes to determining whether a narrative is evidence-based, or belief-based. Here are some debunking efforts I have seen:

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Thank you @corey-devos it’s important to read the information from both sides.

Where should we proceed with caution? Who can we trust … who should we trust … with what results?

Thus the WARNING Advisory.

I think when it comes to any accusation of conspiracy, it makes sense to begin with a position of deep skepticism. Conspiracies are notoriously difficult to keep a lid on, and exponentially more difficult for every individual who is “in” on the conspiracy. Which isn’t to say they don’t happen — they most certainly do. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, always, and if we don’t have that evidence then we should automatically assume it’s a false or even bad faith narrative being presented to us.

And we need to be especially cautious when presented with a narrative that positions our own perceived political, economic, or cultural opponents as the main perpetrators.

So I think one of the things we really have to look out for is confirmation bias — both in ourselves, and in the people who are pushing these particular narratives. For example, if it’s true that the sort of clotting we are seeing is actually normal postmortem clotting, then it’s a case of a theory looking for evidence, not vice versa.

I think it’s also smart to get a sense of the overall frame that these narratives are being placed into, which is usually one of top-down oppression of the many by the few.

One of the things that bothers me though — both the left and the right have a very strong sense that systemic injustice is taking place right before their very eyes, and extremists on both sides of the aisle identify very different sources of this injustice, but it’s still the exact same story. Some are more grounded in reality than others, of course — the BLM perception of ongoing racial injustice in our policing and justice systems has more merit, I believe, than the Qanon accusations of injustice coming from baby-eating pedophile democrats (which, funny enough, are very similar to the “blood libel” accusations against the Jews 80 years ago). But they are similar in that they both present a predominantly amber “us vs. them” narrative where some clandestine group is intentionally keeping other groups down. But either way, if we use Ron DeSantis’s own definition of woke (simply perceiving and attempting to resolve systemic injustices), then it’s clear that both the left and the right have gotten lost in their own flavors of “wokism”.

And when it comes to things like Covid conspiracies, it can be really difficult, because whenever there is a newly emergent life condition such as a global pandemic, there is necessarily a ton of the “fog of war” effect. And this fog gets thicker when it is combined with the collective existential fear we experience while watching over a million fellow Americans die due to this illness. I think the majority of mistakes that were made over the last few years were good-faith and well-intentioned errors — I think that, generally speaking, people try to do the right thing based on the information they have on hand. And this is as true for the medical community during a pandemic, as it is for Jan 6 rioters who have been convinced (despite a lack of evidence) that the election was stolen from them. But as soon as you have a meta-narrative that is acting as an organizing force on the data people select for — such as conspiracies of global depopulation plan — it’s really hard to pierce through that, because it is an unfalsifiable claim from the very beginning. You cannot easily dislodge people’s belief in unfalsifiable realities.

And the larger problem, of course, is that all of this is taking place on social media, which possesses no enfoldment structures or mechanisms whatsoever, which allows these sorts of unfalsifiable narratives to circulate more freely and capture more people, who then begin to follow each other around and around the same circles. I often use the metaphor of a “death spiral” of ants who have lost track of the rest of their colony (which represents “shared reality” in this analogy) and therefore just follow each other in a circle until they die from exhaustion. This is a natural byproduct of completely decentralized media platforms hosting the majority of our cultural and political discourse. And I don’t see any easy way out of it, other than waiting for the next technological wave to crash on our heads (which, arguably, it already is, in the form of Artificial Intelligence that will have a massive effect on how we self organize as a society.)


One motto that might be relevant is: “Trust but always verify.” Kind of like if you buy a house. You basically trust that everything is as it is stated in the advertisement - or you would not go forward at all. So in a house purchase you hire a real estate agent, submit an offer and a good faith check to escrow all because you trust all the information is accurate. You might even state the process of moving out of your current home. Before closing; however, you surely verify everything is as it was stated: home inspection, lien and title searches, etc.

It’s kind of similar to the idea that if someone hands you a gun and says “Don’t worry, it’s not loaded.” You always check regardless. They might say “What are you doing - I told you I already checked it and it isn’t loaded!” Well, you especially check when someone says that, lol. Too many times I’ve seen someone check a gun and a bullet pops out of the chamber on a weapon that was stated to be “not loaded”. It’s even a good idea too double check yourself, lol.

That leads to the idea that we do even have to check our own things we “know” to be “absolutely true”. Of course, not to just replace it with what someone else is loudly stating to be true - but to question everything.

I’m completely open to the idea that the vaccine did kill some people. I’m also open to the idea that it didn’t. I counterbalance this with I do know COVID killed a few people I knew. One was my co-worker, a healthy man of 50. But then also my anti-vac mother of 80 years survived by just laying on her couch and not eating for a week, lol.

One thing that just doesn’t make logical sense to me though - if anyone wanted to just depopulate they could done it more effectively by letting COVID run its course without any shutdowns.

I have to say - I did watch the trailer and it was so absurd I half thought it was a gag or “mockumentary”.

  • The page shown with “Intentionally blank” with ominous music playing was a bit absurd. I don’t know what is in a normal vaccine and never even read what was in the dozen or so vaccines I’ve had in my lifetime. If the COVID vaccine did have ingredients I wouldn’t even know what to compare it with.
  • Why is it ominous for Bill Gates to be concerned about public health and overpopulation? I am as well, as I’ve said many times. Both are a huge problem. Does that make me part of a sinister conspiracy to kill people, lol?
  • Heart Attacks: 41% of the US population is obese. 33 percent feel extreme stress daily. Almost every professional athlete takes black market performance enhancing drugs, which cause all kinds of crazy health effects. It’s not surprising to me at all that people are dropping dead “suddenly”. Could the vaccine be a factor? Possibly or probably. But far more important to me is that tens of millions of people die “suddenly” of heart attacks or strokes every year because of obesity or stress.

At the end, when he says “This is the biggest orchestrated dieoff in the history of the world” - I just have to say “complete bunk”. Obviously the man never read a history book, lol. But it does sound alarming, so why bother with the actual truth, lol.

@excecutive Here is a good way to know who NOT to trust: Anytime someone is showing alarming images and playing music - they are probably trying to force an emotional reaction in you.
Here are some things I do when watching media:

  • Observe the music. Ignore the words and images. Make the screen dark and ignore the words. Just pay attention to the music. You will notice yourself getting an emotional reaction just to the music. This is part of manipulation (or entertainment if you voluntarily consent to it).
  • Pay attention to statements of superlatives like “greatest”. Is it, actually? Or again, it is just an attempt at manipulation.
  • Pay attention to name dropping. Why was Bill Gates even mentioned? Because his name is a trigger for some. Why would anyone be concerned about public health and overpopulation - they must be up to something nefarious! (sarcasm).

Anyway - that’s just a few things.

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