What motivates you to engage with the Integral framework?

Reflect on the question above and share your thoughts with the rest of the community.

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I think the fact that I’ve experienced the fullness of integralism:

  • Inclusiveness - Integralists desire to connect, expand and empower

  • Exclusiveness - Integralists tend to shun traditionalism plus intellectual and spiritual challenge

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What motivates me to engage with the Integral framework? The opportunity to face my shadow and light aspects fully. As a meditator for many years waking up had been my main goal. I now realize I also need to grow up and clean up. Almost forgot - and show-up. Which for me is responding on this platform. (Way out of normal comfort zone.).Having the framework of Integral altitudes, levels and lines and types to work with and understand is giving me a wider and deeper appreciation of self and others.


Escrevi um livro sobre dependência química e abordagem integral contando minha história como dependente químico e meu processo de recuperação. No mesmo livro aplico a Teoria Integral à doença para uma melhor compreensão e tratamento da mesma.

Atualmente estou abrindo um espaço de terapias complementares e integrativas tendo como base a Teoria Integral.

Pessoalmente a abordagem integral me abriu um universo de compreensão absolutamente inusitado que me fez compreender muito da minha própria trajetória, sempre querendo integrar os campos de estudo, principalmente espiritualidade e ciência. Eu tinha uma intuição de que todos os campos da ciência ortodoxa estavam descobrindo o universo espiritual a seu modo, mas ainda faltava o campo da filosofia. Foi quando descobri a Teoria Integral. A partir dessa descoberta tudo começou a fazer mais sentido, questões espirituais pessoais muito difíceis foram sendo esclarecidas, a integração óbvia entre ciência e espiritualidade, entre psicologia e espiritualidade e também filosofia e espiritualidade, tudo isso e mais um pouco explodiu minha compreensão geral sobre tudo. Tenho imensa gratidão por essa descoberta que me norteou o caminho pessoal e também começa a nortear o meu caminho profissional. Muitíssimo obrigado a Integral, devo minha sanidade e minha vida a ela!

Livro A Viagem de Volta

Site Espaço Telos

Abraços integrais!

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“Exclusiveness - Integralists tend to shun traditionalism plus intellectual and spiritual challenge”

I don’t think I understand this statement. I might expect integralists to shun traditionalism but I don’t get what attitude you are saying integralists have towards intellectual and spiritual challenge. I thought those pursuits were a big part of the integral life idea.


My experience has been that integralists (and the like) tend to dismiss intellectual and spiritual challenge from traditionalists (e.g., Conservatives, Westernists, Christians) rather than engage them dynamically.

Theoretically, integralism is all-encompassing; but it is not without its biases…and that’s OK.

Na filosofia de Ken Wilber os preceitos pré-modernos estão perfeitamente integrados e incluídos. Os conceitos de origem divina do homem, de níveis do ser e níveis de realidade são aproveitados na sua máxima inteireza e complexidade, porém, de fato, rejeita o conservadorismo rígido, o sistema hierárquico opressor, ou sistema de castas, que são seus aspectos negativos.

Observo também que o cristianismo ocidental nunca é deixado de fora nessas discussões. Todos os livros de KW citam passagens e métodos ocidentais cristãos de desenvolvimento espiritual. E inclusive politicamente a visão sobre o conservadorismo “âmbar”, por exemplo, na nossa atual política mundial, não poderia estar mais incluída nas discussões. Portanto, não vejo rejeição a esse tipo de discussão ou inclusão de modo geral.

Entretanto, talvez o que você tenha observado é uma ligeira inclinação para posições “verdes” na comunidade integral, que é sim uma marca ainda perceptível. Aqui no Brasil tenho a mesma percepção e quase sempre sou pouco compreendido em minhas “teses” que acredito ser integrais. Assim, percebe-se uma inclinação para soluções mais de quadrante inferior direito, relativização dos quadrantes e pouca discussão ou inclusão dos níveis laranja (científicos) e âmbar (no sentido mais político).

I am motivated as it helps me more effectively carry out my life purpose.
We are here for a very brief period of time.
We benefit from the works of those before us.
I’d like to believe I help enhance the experience of the world in some way for those that come next as a sign of my appreciation.
Having applied integral theory to education (I’m a primary school teacher) I find I’m serving students better during the year we spend together.
It is also helping me to provide a new narrative to discuss what is occurring in education.
For example, I find applying the spiral dynamics model to highlight the 4 competing values in education to be very valuable. Here is an example from my podcast that highlights what each colour looks like when it calls the shots on how kids should spend their childhood and adolescent years: https://reinventingeducationpodcast.podbean.com/e/ep8-start-here/


rmacleodb, may I ask a favor? Would you mind posting some of these comments about applying integral theory to education, including the link to the podcast, in the Reflections category on this site, under the topic “Could Teachers Be the Secret Weapon of Cultural Evolution?” What you’re offering here may not be seen by people who have an interest in integral education. Thank you!


I believe that mankind is evolving and I wish to be part of that change. Frankly I’m done with regular SM with its cravings and attachments and the egoistic need to one-up one another. Rather than argue differences I’d rather accept others points of view then add on to the thought. If you like its encapsulated by #Yes, and…

Im kind of hoping that hash tag catches on. My other hash tag is #infinitelove. Because all the theory and philosophy charts and graphs can be summarised in one four letter word. Its all we need to remember as our faculties slowly begin to fail us. #infiniteLOVE.

Hello hearteveryonePeter,
If the kind of love you’re speaking of is Eros, the Spirit-in-action love that some of us see as driving evolution, then I can largely agree with you that love is “all we need to remember…”

And I’m still holding a quote from Wilber’s “Integral Politics: It’s Essential Ingredients” piece in my mind, which goes “…all we need is not love; all we need is Integral.” (on page 29). It’s a reminder that love is expressed differently at different stages of development.

How someone at an egocentric level of development, concerned primarily with their own self, expresses love is different from how a person at either an ethnocentric (concerned with an “us”) or worldcentric (concerned with “all of us”) or higher level of development understands and expresses love. Love becomes more inclusive, more “infinite” as you say, the more we develop in consciousness.

I like your #Yes,and… It’s more inclusive than the “yes, but…” and just altogether friendlier, I think. You must be a good man.


I try to be the best I can. Thank you @LaWanna. I thoroughly agree with you about love being different at the different stages and levels. Emotional Intelligence is important to allow one to walk in anothers shoes and love them perhaps despite how that person behaves. Respect their opinion and their right to express it. I find at a mature age one can understand the trials others face and realize how unconditional love is possible. As Integrals we hope to share this maturity to others and hopefully it reaches younger people and leaders in our society to enhance our little blue dot.

Further in response to this thread question, I would hope that this community could evolve with technology into a more connected worldwide network, enable deeper and more meaningful relationships between members and use it as a platform to expand integral thought across the planet.

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Hello Integrals. I’ve had a break from here for a while but thought I’d pop back in and see how everyone is going.
I’m going great and looking forward to a bit of a break this summer holidays in Australia.
I hope everyone is well and still keen onIntegral. The small Sydney integral group is still meeting however due to commitments I only managed to attend one gathering this year.
My big commitment is to a small interfaith meeting monthly where we have discussed Integral. Were looking forward to the Grace and Grit movie. Some of my friends have read the book.
Well I wish everyone happy Christmas, Hannukah, Solstice, Integral New Year. I’ll check in soon if there are any replies. #infinitelove

Merry Festivities everyone and a happy new year to you all.
May 2020 be a year where we continue in beauty, truth and goodness to grow up, wake up, clean up and show up with ourselves, our loved ones and those we spend time with.