What‘s the planetary ecological situation right now?

Hello friends. It seems that true, opinion-free information is rare to find these days. I’m interested in the ecological situation. What are the processes, regions, dynamics. Is it bad? Is it really bad? What’s happening?

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Wow. Thanks. What I’m looking for is just pure data on the amount of destruction that’s being done to the planet and its dynamics.

I mean, look out the window. How much nature do you see? How much ecology?
Would you drink unfiltered water from a stream near your home? I remember a time when I would, but not now. Is there even a stream near your home to drink from? Do you drink your municipal water?

Water is the basic necessity of all life on this planet. You can answer your question by a simple sampling of the most crucial molecule necessary for life.

What are you going to believe - information or your lying eyes?

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My window - quite a lot of nature, actually. Would not drink from a local stream, but no problems with tap water. We only have a relatively minor case of metacrisis, thankfully. Periodic volcanic eruptions and coastal tsunamis - yeah, those could be problems. They do restore the earth, however.