What single issue do you think could most benefit from an Integral approach?

Reflect on the question above and share your thoughts with the rest of the community.

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Bit of integral humor? Its an ironic question right? Since an integral approach is by its nature interdisciplinary and holistic, the “singular” and “most” considerations might be inviting a our biases to the surface. But to get the ball rolling here, I’ll give it a go.

Education is a good place to start, since what seems to be foundational to civilization is its people and how well equipped we are in stewarding our resources on the path forward. A couple things come to mind about education that seem important.

One is the development of a comprehensive curriculum and pedagogy that emphasizes interdisciplinary studies and encourages initiatives and institutions that connect disparate specialized fields of knowledge. Integral everything! Things like techno-econmomics, pyscho-spirituality, systems theory, integral-ecology, meta-ethics, bio-sociology, inter-personal development and political-cosmology deserve a more prominent role in higher education.

Another thing that would be useful is a consensus meta-narrative that meets all the validity criteria for science rigorously, while also harmonizes with the mytho-poetic values spheres. With something like this at the head of table who knows what we’ll be able to do. The list of issues is huge no doubt so developing an holarchical fellowship that helps organize them will be a big help. But maybe that’s as much of a socio-political and technological project as it is an educational one.

Oh… and having a space ambassador program could be useful, in case we have curious neighbors. :wink: But that’s more of a gen z thing probably.


An integral approach to economics. With Keynesian economics losing influence by 1980 (union era) and supply side economics losing influence in the present day (corporate era), the time is ripe for a new, integral take on economics. For example, take a look at the blending of economics and evolution on evonomics.com. I don’t think I’ve heard any in-depth discussion/reaction/synthesis on topics like these. What are the economic levels of development and what’s next?


@Anand_Rangarajan I too would love to see more work around integral economics. I think it’s somewhat of an underdeveloped muscle in our community, perhaps it is a topic that is still waiting for the right sort of new expertise. I like the general direction that Said Dawlabani and the Memenomics group is heading in, but my sense is we may still be waiting to see something a bit more robust and more plugged into the current realities of global finance.


Memenomics is fine but it doesn’t go far enough. If we make the very tentative identification that Keynesian (amber, union) economics was supplanted around 1981 by supply side economics (perfect rational agent, orange, corporate), then we’re ripe for a change to a new economics which champions sustainability of course but more fundamentally has postmodern, relativistic aspects (green, communities with their own crypto-currency, P2P etc.). This has to be worked out. And much as I would love to talk about a possible integral economics, it may turn out that the change on the horizon is actually within first tier economics: from socialist, universal basic income amber and conservative, winner-take-all orange to crypto-currency for each community, ecological, win-win, green. This analysis could be wrong but the integral community should discuss this from a clear-headed perspective.

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Yes, AND Sean Esbjorn-Hargens’s MetaImpact-MetaCapital

is the most ‘integral’ re-framing of economics, inviting us to see/ redefine ‘capital’ in all four quadrants on multiple levels. It’s consistent with and in some ways surpasses the current movement toward ‘public benefit’ corporations, even scaling up to national economies.
Corey, consider re-interviewing Sean at IntegralLife.com.


It would be good to see more integral approaches in ethical issues regarading health and terminal care, further in the aims of artifical intelligence, and within the whole system of education and politics. I think that a lot of important questions could be solved much more appropriate and also in a more human sense if we could bring in the AQUAL framework and also the “waking up components.”


I would say LGBT issues would benefit from an Integral approach. And also an issue of states of consciousness higher then nondual.
Oops this are two issues:grinning: