Hi Sidra! If you’ll continue to pardon my own “didactic itch,” I’ll share a favorite Integral lens artifact here with a bit of detail. 
One of the many great insights that come from Integral Theory is observation that all 1st Tier levels of individual development (Red/2nd Order, Blue/3rd Order, and Orange/4th Order) are fundamentally incapable of “seeing” the other Orders’ ways of making sense in any way other than beneath or less-than their own.
Some of what comes out of this has been Culturally helpful, as the main need of all Cultures (past, present, and future) is to successfully turn inherently selfish (Red) adolescents and young adults into productive members of the Culture (Blue). Check out Aesop’s Fables, Fairy Tales, and other cultural-mythological collections of wisdom and it’s pretty easy to see the universal theme of criticizing selfishness.
An obvious downside of the built-in bias of level-blindedness is the corresponding collapse of all higher levels into reciprocal lower levels. For example, Blue/3rd Order individuals necessarily (mis)understand the behavior of Orange/4th Order individuals to be coming from merely Red/2nd Order justifications. And harkening back to the above-mentioned Cultural imperative, the Orange/4th Order (Self-Authoring) drive of Independence-over-conformity gets “downgraded” into accusations of selfishness. In other words, the noble Orange/4th Order quest for authentic self-expression can only be understood by Blue/3rd Order types as ignoble selfishness and lack of appreciation of relational concerns. See any and all current/recent “Narrative” control issues and the resulting climate of censorship and Mis-, Dis-, and Mal-information issues(whatever that means).
Same dynamic is true for Orange/4th Order individuals and their fundamental inability to see higher Green/Yellow/5th Order emphasis on collaboration and co-creation as anything separate from Blue/3rd Order drivers for connection and conformity.
So, yes indeed! All (1st Tier) levels do view all “outsiders” with a bit of paternalism, or even condescension. And since they are fundamentally unable to “see” those outsiders with any degree of level-appropriate understanding and appreciation, they will necessarily “preach at” them from their own level. Blue tells Red to stop being selfish and start to think about how your actions affect other people, and yourself, poorly. Orange tells Blue to stop being mindless sheep and start taking actions and taking ownership of their lives.
HOWEVER, and this was one of the main points of the talk Keith and I had, for those at Yellow/5th Order/ 2nd Tier it is necessary to first and foremost simply accept that all those people at “lower orders” of development are STILL fully entitled to be where they are and to be 100% OK with what that means. Kegan, the theorist behind the Order framework, has a great quote that says something like “People have a right to be where they are, dammit!” Hence, our direct attempt to show how people at multiple levels might have voted for Trump or Harris with equally valid rationales according to their level-specific developmental drivers in “What Were They Thinking?”
A corollary that comes out of this is that the “true hope” of any active Spiral Wizard would be to actually help people live/discover richer and healthier lives as possible within whatever Order they are currently at, number 1, and number 2, to provide just the right blend of challenge and support to encourage them along their own path of continuous development.
Often times the “right blend” is to be more curious about their Worldview and to encourage them to talk about their values and beliefs and how they manifest them in their behavior, and according to their place on the larger developmental spiral. For example, those at the Blue level might be questioned about the felt richness of their relationships, status, and belongingness needs. Red might be questioned about their autonomy and accomplishment drives are working out. Orange might be asked about authenticity, self-expression, and independence goals. Again, the idea here is to be genuinely curious about the person’s life according to their own meaning making system, NOT to push some “moral high ground” Narrative on them.
For those that are in transition between stages, like Red-into-Blue or Blue-into-Orange, the Spiral Wizard is still called to offer the right balance of challenge and support, but now can orient the questioning to better help the person “build bridges” into their emerging level and strengthen connections there.
For instance, a Red-into-Blue person could be asked how they might imagine better serving their success-oriented needs by “working with” the cultural offerings for success (college, trade school, apprenticeship, military service, etc) and looking at the longer term gains for them personally by trading a bit of their “rebellious nature” for some temporary buy-in to a less autonomous collective endeavor. Or perhaps a Blue-into-Orange person might be asked to explore the idea that relationships can in fact be strengthened through saying no, stepping into conflict, or offering (and asking for) more authenticity to enrich them.
Anyway, lots more could be discussed but apologies for going on here. All of this stuff is a passion of mine and deeply relevant to my Coaching work, so I tend to share more here in these forums than is perhaps called for or of interest.
All the best,