This thread was inspired by the Integral tipping point thread as well as the Integral Activism thread. In my opinion, one of the potentially fastest ways of mainstreaming 2nd tier consciousness is through politics - and to instantiate integral values in a political party. If we could learn to harness the extreme polarization to birth something completely new, I think it could be the way forward, as both parties may be “too far gone,” so why not just start over completely with a brand new party? The party’s color could be purple (red and blue) or teal
Politics is unique in that its influence can penetrate into every sphere of society - economic, cultural, civil, private - very quickly, thanks to both the media and its increasing ubiquity in the age of Trump. It could also be a way of promoting a new culture infused with Integral consciousness that could start a movement, complete with hashtags, rallies, Youtube videos etc… Im visualizing Integral candidates getting into publicized debates, grassroots community organizing through knocking on doors, hosting events and gatherings, and creating a 2nd tier political institution to train people on how to run an Integrally informed campaign (something like Paul Wellstone’s “Wellstone Action” or the Justice Democrats). Many people are craving something new that transcends tribal partisan differences, but simply don’t have any options to go to, and thus have to resort to either side of the hardline binary. This would give them a third option. Someone famous like Jonathan Haidt could endorse the effort to give it a boost.
The question is, what would this platform look like? I haven’t thought about it too much, and there are probably a wide range of opinions on what would constitute an Integral platform. Some of them are inspired by “Change the Rules” and democratic candidate Andrew Yang, who I am voting for in 2020. Here is a start - feel free to disagree and post your own ideas.
Get money out of politics/candidates take no corporate pack money (honoring progressives)
Class based rather than raced based affirmative action (little bit of everyone)
Universal Basic Income and cut other government programs (honor libertarians and progressives)
Universal investment accounts to replace social security once the robots take over jobs, or “shareholder socialism” (honoring conservative supply side economics by increasing investment in the economy, and honors socialists/marxists as everyone would benefit from increased revenue from the few monopoly corporations – trickle down to meet the UBI trickle up)
Creative ways to reduce bloated government - tax shifting, “modernize” military spending, and reduce other inefficient bureaucracy in federal workforce, as well as policies creating perverse incentives (honor libertarians)
Raise taxes on unproductive gambling and lower taxes on productive investment (honors progressives and libertarian conservatives)
Create government department for Integrally informed community development
Free community college and control price of higher education
Promote culture of personal responsibility through holistic activism – informed from a place of empowerment and reclaimed projections, “stoic leftism,” and mature feminism
Identity politics anchored in our common, universal humanity – highlighting our common humanity first before moving to the experiences of specific groups - MLK style (honors Orange universals and Green particulars)
A philosophy of post-postmodernism, or “constructive postmodernism” - in effect, Integral, with a spiritual/religious undertone depending on the audience.
Abolish electoral college, gerrymandering and corporate personhood, while promoting rank choice voting and abolishing the 15% rule for third party candidates to enter national debates.
Change metrics for measuring growth and success of Nation - need more than GDP
Climate action now
World class infrastructure initiative which includes building a big, beautiful wall, lined with solar panels and vertical farming that will be shared with neighbor Mexico
Online voting via blockchain technology