When Integral Met The Twelve Steps

Hi folks,

I’m writing to share with you the news that a few integralists are now in the process of assembling a new 12-step recovery fellowship that will combine the Twelve Steps with Integral principles.

No one can say where it will lead, but I for one am excited that this nascent group could eventually improve not only the lives of countless addicts and alcoholics, but also contribute to advancing the health and well-being of the entire recovery community. Let’s hope for the success of ARIA.

I’m attaching my Facebook post below to the new page for the fellowship. Check it out, like it (show your support) and, if join the private group you want to participate in forming the group.

All the best,
Joe Perez

Addicts Recovering Integrally Anonymous (ARIA) is an emerging non-profit organization designed for alcoholics and addicts desiring the dual orientation of Twelve Steps combined with the principles of Integrative Recovery. When the organization comes together, we will offer online meetings and encourage our members to start their own local meetings where they live.

By “Integrative Recovery”, we include the Twelve Steps and transcend them to include divergent methodologies and a holistic perspective advocating the integration of body, mind, soul, and spirit for individuals, groups, societies, and all beings. Writers like Ken Wilber, John Dupuy, and Guy DuPlessis have helped us to define our approach, and we welcome members to adopt the “Integral approach of your understanding”. We will have a “spiritual, but not necessarily religious” program welcoming religionists, secularists, and spiritualists alike.

Given the prevalence of the phenomenon of cross-addiction, we believe in addressing addiction in all its forms, not restricting our attention to merely one problematic substance, thought pattern, or behavior. Individual meetings may welcome persons in recovery from any and all addictions or they may specialize, according to the conscience of the group.

At this time, ARIA is taking its crucial first steps. Whether you are an addict, related to an addict, or a recovery professional, you are welcome to “like” this page and to help us spread the word to all persons who may be interested in this nascent community-based self-help resource. Just to be sure we can reach you, do more than like this page: SEND US A FACEBOOK MESSAGE. When you do, we will add you to the private Facebook group just for discussing ARIA.

We envision a fellowship that is “Twelve Steps PLUS”. Most Twelve Step meetings focus on readings from program literature and personal sharing (without cross-talk). Our meetings will do that AND more. ARIA meetings may also include light physical movements, subtle body exercises, and meditation as well as group discussion (with cross-talk). We embrace all the traditional recovery literature, especially the Blue Book of AA and the Basic Text of NA … but we look forward to the day when ARIA will also have its own portfolio of educational literature that we will hold as key for our fellowship.

Volunteers are wanted who are interested in creating the content for our website, welcome brochures, expository pamphlets, and all other collateral for ARIA. To the extent that the relationship between the Twelve Steps and the principles of Integrative Recovery are vague or seemingly in tension, our Literature Committee must create documents that bring clarity, for the benefit of our members as well as the world at large. If you are moved to do this work or help with any of the many necessary tasks for creating a new non-profit organization, we welcome your participation in ARIA.


Hello Joe Perez,

“I bow to your spirit, I connect to your heart, I salute your power, and honor your dream.” That’s a little something I used to teach in groups when talking about ingredients of ‘proper relations’ with others, and I just felt moved to offer it to you right now. There were physical gestures that went along with each phrase to help with embodying it, but I’ll have to save those for should we ever meet in person!

I’ve read some of your online writings over the years, and I watched your interview with Lynn Fuentes a couple of months ago, and was touched by your gentleness and openness. And by your kindly humor.

ARIA is a great acronym for this new endeavor----the stand-alone song within a larger work, very holonic, integral. I’m glad to know of this and have it as a resource to refer people to. Thanks for sharing, and may you all make great music!


This sounds awesome… Good damn deal. Already tossed my request into the group. See ya there.


Great… there is so much to be gained from the steps and recovery communities but I gotta say there is a LOT missing in the typical, flat land approach. I marvel at the lack of integration of body that seems to be the standard.

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So excited to see the integral approach moving with the 12 steps. I am not a facebooker so have very limited access to the group’s progress. Hope the website is up soon for I look forward to continuing my 4 perspectives of addiction work with others. kellertop1

I would most definitely be interested in participating but I am not on Facebook. Feel free to email me Sherrigriffin@me.com