It’s like it is getting so complex our maps are not sufficient. I’m going to start calling out both horizontal and vertical development as I see it by noting: classic liberal (A1,O1,G1) Classic conservative (A1,O1,G0) Progressive (A2,O1,G0) Maga (R1,A0,O1,G0) Classic Integral (P1,R1,A1,O1,G1,T1) My goal (P2,R2,A2,O2,G2,T1)
What I am calling “descension” is the pulling down and widening each level of development. This noting system is overly simplistic, but hopefully making some useful point. If, just for the game of it, we accept this system, it is interesting to look at this:
Both amber wokists and amber conservatives are calling for “social regression” in service of their own narrow definitions of “what’s right”.
I see Amber conservatives calling for R1,A1,O1,G0 Amber Wokist calling for R2,A2,O2,G0. I see a difference. Both are excluding green and yes, there is a social regression to that, but I also see the need for a better amber A2 and orange O2.
Here, to me, is the rub. Could a world of all teal, or all teal leaders, just build a better amber/orange from its altitude. Of course. This intuition is what drove the human potential, corporate mindfulness, DDO, and the Integral projects of the past 20 years. We might need to accept they have failed, IMO, to make the mass change that is required for the next century.
I think we may have to refocus on horizontal, as well as vertical development. There will be just wide swaths of people who cant move beyond amber. I would rather the fighting for “what’s right” be in service to social justice, climate change, equitable pay than antiquated systems of the past. Amber is not just fighting for what’s right, they are also working it out. This is a part of the issue. When LGBTQ activist protest Mayor Pete for being “too hetero normative” that shocks my green altitude, but amber will be amber. What are the new rules going to be? I’m fine with that fight. I don’t see the A1 vs A2 fight as actually regressive, is the call for more Polyamorous inclusion A3, especially if built on R2?