Doign another 3-2-1 process:
Taking the topic of Leo Gura, my Mother and anger/bitterness in vision this time, as I am creating more balance, also liberterian and modern notions of what I feel is a so called “judgemental unbalance” at orange/modern/rational, while I function mostly from teal, yet the injury made it tricky, the more I am in quiet the more I am at an inter-beign place, and the higher the level of balance in the opposition the higher I am in the interaction. Also the animal inside of me and the animalistic sex side, alright I got triggered by this and I figured out stuff to fix my goals, also a way to fully plan an entire month and it’s activities, and if this is not working I am switching back to bullet journaling my entire, week as the physical modality of using a pen works better to some extend, as long as there are not to many distractions. Here I go
It feels like an animalistic winner and domination side of winner takes it all and my way or the high way and fuck the world because the world is cruel.
It feels like this stage orange status drive, that is unfocused on progress in it’s line and achievement and is deeply jealous of the peformative drive and not evoking it by, measuring, counting and focusing more on processes.
It feels like there is a pure effort focus in a dark an exhaustive area, similar to fighting against instead of creating with
It feels like there is a deep level of pain where there is deep love, yet it’s hidden in strength and success and it feels burdensome to me
It feels like there is a resistance to open up to love to some extend and deep anger that is triggered due to physical pain
3: Face it
Me: I don’t have that much time, yet I have time, you remember that?
Shadow: Sure, yes I recall, the point of it all. Nice rhymes!
Me: Yes, I feel good about integrating the stuff, why are you going so nuts with this physical pain with the scar you have since birth.
Shadow: Are you confused and you are speaking to me?
Me: You know that this pain at times makes confused things, and I am sort of speaking in an energetic split with a lot of inner rage, yet also connectedness to the rage.
Shadow: Have you ever noticed how much sexual energy that is pure white light to you naturally, was pulled to this place, when you checked human design, yet you switched the sides and interpreted the map wrong first?
Me: Yes, I would also like to know why this is the case and why this does then feel so dark acting with humans like you.
Shadow: As we have the same issue and I even project it onto you with that sexual sink.
Me: How do you know?
Shadow: Let’s just take it as a given and ignore for today, as you’ve been neglectful of your duties and feel this immense stress, as you’ve yearned for a caretaker and provider, these are also two characteristics associated with these two humans and they also have doubts about it you noticed?
Me: Yes, they also partially caused the trauma with their anger and inner rage against irresponsibility now I have the same rage and at times feel like a puppy, that is looking for a good caretaker
Shadow: Good one.
Me: What are you showing me? Your fear of living my life to the fullest again? What is your potential gift?
Shadow: You’re doing well to integrate the skeptecism and hatred, I feel at times for your soft-hearted and open intutive living, I despise you and I am envious of you having it so easy with others!! They all like you but they don’t like me!!
Me: How does that make sense if we’re the same and you’re a part of me? There are plenty of human beigns that don’t like me, yet they force themselves to like me as I am liked at times, and I have to like repel humans!
Shadow: Why?
Me: Because if they are not light I don’t enjoy them, I meditated and did enough work to distinguish ego and getting from actual beign, that is a huge difference you are liked by beign not doing!!! You get that
Shadow: Wow, you’re bring light to the shadows shadow, you’re good today!! You think I like it to feel so bitter and angry?
Shadow: Don’t trigger me or you don’t get your answer!
Me: Alright, so shadow shadow of trigger? As you get triggered, I am so happy when I get some Jungian stuff, yet I am ChatGpting while doing the work and watching even Tarot to get better insight, at times my gut feeling also disagrees with Wilber on these topic for example with Trance, yet he is also right with it beign purple and red, as I don’t know if I am integrating that, that exactly would be the case and I could throughly read through his books with some quiet time, I also think I am ready now for Grace and Grit after beign in my first relationship, yet I am a bit scared I might smack or kill someone out of love and the dynamics that at times happen, when I engage my animal.
Shadow: Anima and Animus, Male and Female was it not?
Me: Could be all they focused on in my region was drives and drives and Freud and just this reptilian brain southern focus of holism, I don’t intutively get, yet a lot of humans love more like a pure 8w7 and 7w8 type of spectrum, very wild and unstructured, yet with a plan and vision in mind. Go-Getter is most likely not the correct term.
Shadow: Are you listening?
Me: Sorrry, I was in pain like from scar shooting brain into 10 directions, what’s up? Yes, I checked Anima = female, Animus = male, I got it right this time and I will next time.
Shadow: You’re sure of it? Anima is female and Animus is male, you can imagine the rigidity of metal in BaZi as you’re go to place of anger in terms of it’s expression, also our quality is grief, you’ve realized how important that is and the pain of the scar affects me to.
Me: Where do you reside this time?
Shadow: Back of your skull reptilian brain 9w1 focus and 4w5 moving to 8 russian patriarchy male bias, you’ve dissolved a bit of.
Me: What is it with these two humans that is so triggering?
Shadow: They want to be champions and heros of their stories and lives, yet they don’t have such a bright and natural outlook for it as you, as the culture sees you as the hero/shining light in anima, and not animus version mostly as well as the balanced form of it, as apparently the animus of black individuals has to be curbed I presume?
Me: Don’t ask me I ask you.
Shadow: Oh, yes well nuance. Both is true, you know?
Me: I know… .why no quiet right?
Shadow: Well, I teach you something today, as you’re doing well and I even feel good, so why not show you the part of that you are a champion in providing even for your mother at times, what you do and how you handle your life impresses many human beigns, and I don’t think you know how much they care and love you, and I don’t think they fell well and are triggering you on accident, they are the way they are.
Me: I give my best to accept that, yet recently it has been a bit to much of triggering, and it’s mostly that the provider does not receive love? Is that the miracle idea in your spectrum.
Shadow: Bing-Bing Bing 100 points for ravenclaw! Smart my friend.
Me: How do you know I still like blue, the conversation with this kindergardener is still like very deep in my mind you know, eventually she did not know…
Shadow: STOP!!! Stay with topic!!! We work on this too now, and the triggering energy of anger here, as long as we don’t get retreat level Shinzen insights we can curb it tough.
Me: You seem oddly cooperative today.
Shadow: Well you’re distracting yourself so much, I don’t even emerge if you check information the whole time, till I emerge HAHAHAHHA
Me: What are we doing man? I am so distracted.
Shadow: Bro you checked the answers again on second screen and got your insight your doing good!
Me: Well what archetypes did we integrate the most besides anima and animus, we barely worked on the persona the outward appearing as you get immensely triggered in that area, and at one point some burn out as you function as 3w4 Yang Fire practically are you okay are we okay? We Know we speak a little chinese bro
Shadow: Okay bro, we go from Mother session to bro language, very intelligent and we had these conversations in Fu-Yin patterning anyhow…
Me: I know not knowing is nice, and slightly knowing no?
Shadow: It’s horrible and you know it…
Me: That is right… so what now?
Shadow: Fine we integrated a lot a lot of femininity the last couple of years with your workouts, and that moved you actually to the masculine as you were so focused on beauty and exellence and radiating so much life, it was obnoxious I bet for the tech nerds where you worked out at, only facing their extinction, while you focused on the expansion and healing qualities, taking breaks in the depth of silence and seeing that as ultimate animus, instead of the penetration and concentration, as that even seemed feminine from higher balance. At least sometimes most of the time it was pure masculine…
Me: What about the others, which ones is the most connected to the provider besides the animus archetype?
Shadow: Wow, beign a Gemini is nice you’ve been striking balance your whole life HHAHA and you’re beign hated for integration, oh how funny is that my child little sun leo we have all archetypes within us.
Me: Well, we get an introjection for that voice.
Shadow: Clever!
Me: Alright, enter this into ChatGPT Therapy, sigh
Shadow: Clever!
Me: Well what is associated with a provider what’s your intuition and gift of healing here with anger and unintegrated part, what part is not integrated?
Shadow: First of all taking care of yourself, more and beign more egotistical for your own good, first of all that.
Me: Well we lost the conversation
Shadow: Second of all you should be focused on integrating the lovers aspect of masculine and feminine more let’s start here with provision, you’re beign shamed for male provision and are in a sort of inevitable child like situation like the sun? Right.
Me: Sort of I don’t feel like an adult at times anymore, and I don’t feel the same stability anymore after loosing 12k approx.
Shadow: Fine, don’t blow up the story to much and let’s dissect it. You’re good at caring emotionally, and even providing physicall and emotionall safe space from animus provider, yet you’re triggered by the material provsion right?
Me: Yes, so I am tirggered by my shadow of materialism
Shadow: correct and you provided with materialsim and not freedom, you gave love don’t get me wrong etc. Yet you did not provide enough freedom.
Me: Also how, when I barely experience it in any endeavour as I experience a lot of failures the fool and hero’s journey feels more holistic.
Shadow: true, yet you deny healing by not beign disciplined and structured and taking the less dopaminergic route you know?
Me: Yes, I want to be a bit more careful with my influence and currently there are higher drives of creativity that I deny through improper provision of myself no?
Shadow: Yes, but this is getting complicated. Let’s take a break!!
Me: Sure… 15 minutes no way I can do a 15 minute session…
Shadow: I am a bit lost also, yet it’s the emproer to your the provider is the emporer to you, that is all I can say you have a very protective level of depth that you have inside of you… dovetail this with ChatGPT and do it for now.
I am the one who is providing like an emproer and enjoy it and have shadows in this area, also in your love life
I am the one who is domineering and ruthless and ignorant at times
My part of provison and anger stem from an inabillity to provide as the emprorer archetype and at times wise old men, especially that can also be a part
I am the one who is aware that I am beign a provider and it makes me angry to feel unloved in that area and I can feel like a tyrant
I am the one who yearns for love as the provider, as some sort of healing modality as you’re very negative to yourself and have been negative to yourself more by surroundings and just despair…
This is about it, I am a bit exhausted finding so many patterns, yet the wound is quite deep with the scar and in 10 seconds I have 1000 new insights.